Chinese billionaire Jack Ma on the psychology of poor people (photo)

12 February 2016

Next, you will find revelations from Chinese billionaire Jack Ma, who opened the largest online platform for the wholesale sale of goods from China. Jack reflects on why most poor people continue to be poor. All his words are pure truth, and many of us can recognize ourselves in them.

Poor people are the hardest people to satisfy. Give them something for free, they'll think it's a trap. Tell them that this is only a small investment, they will say that you won’t earn much. Tell them to invest big, they will say they have no money. Tell them to try new topics, they will say - no experience. Tell them it's a traditional business, they'll say it's hard. Tell them it's a new business model, they'll say it's a pyramid scheme. Tell them to open a store, they will say - there is no freedom. Tell them to start a new business, they will say that there is no evidence that the new business will work.

They have a lot in common: They like to search Google, listen to friends who are as hopeless as themselves, they think more than a university professor and do less than a blind man.

Just ask them what can they do? They won't answer you. My takeaway: Instead of asking your heart to beat faster, why not just go a little faster yourself? Instead of dwelling in thoughts, why not do what you are thinking about? Poor people fail because of one thing in common: Their whole life is spent waiting.

Jack Ma, founder of Alibaba.

А чувак хоть и выглядит, как сдутый мячик, но правильно говорит. Все, кто зарабатывает меньше $2000 в месяц - безнадёжные у#бки и биомусор. Ваш удел - ныть и страдать.
1 March 2016
731 comment
Бедных людей трудно удовлетворить? Да им проще всего телек врубить и у них уже пена изо рта от удовольствия!
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