Prostitutes of the Cannes Film Festival (3 photos + text)

15 May 2013

Today I want to tell you interesting facts about prostitutes, who earn a lot during the Cannes Film Festival, and often remain “behind the scenes” of this world-famous festival. Read on.

The Cannes Film Festival is the best time for local “priestesses of love”, and at the same time for third-row actresses who flock in droves to the most anticipated premieres.

In 2010, the famous American film critic Roger Ebert tweeted: “Prostitutes in Cannes stand out because they are always well dressed and never smoke.”

Despite the fact that a huge number of nosy paparazzi gather at the Cannes Film Festival, some people still usually remain “behind the scenes”.

One Hollywood reporter conducted an investigation into the festival's sort of subculture related to sex life. His article was published under the title “$40,000 Overnight Escort: Secrets of Cannes Call Girls”:

“Every year, women of all stripes - from those whom the French call “pute de luxe”, who charge $4 thousand per night, to ordinary street prostitutes who provide intimate services for a modest $50-75 per hour, flock to Cannes to avoid miss, in the words of one Parisian priestess of love, “the breadiest day of the year.”

The women range from full-time escorts to models and award-winning beauty queens. According to local police, they serve men in hotels, yachts and villas around Cannes.

“Everything happens with the help of signs. The man signs his room number and the girl follows him.”

“We are all looking forward to the festival,” admits a Cannes prostitute who calls herself Daisy.

According to another “priestess of love,” the most beautiful girls ply their trade in expensive hotels “where all the Arabs stay.” These girls earn up to 40 thousand dollars per night.

“The Arabs are the most generous people in the world,” she shares her impressions, choking with delight. If they like the girl, they can shell out a lot of money. In Cannes, they always have crumpled banknotes with them, at least 10 thousand euros for small expenses. It's like paper to them. They don’t even count them, they just give them to the girls without thinking twice. I know this system."

Part of this “system” are “girls from yachts”. They “work” on 30-40 luxury yachts docked in Caen harbor.

“There are about 10 girls on each ship. They are either half naked or completely naked. Vacation on a yacht means drugs, booze and beautiful women. In the morning, everyone receives their own envelope. And this has been happening for 60 years.”

The envelopes are given as “gifts” - this is how most prostitutes are paid for their “work” during the festival.

However, not all women receiving generous “gifts” are local, French prostitutes.

“The line between professional prostitutes, Hollywood actresses of the second and third row and models who accept generous compensation for a “night of love” with rich elderly gentlemen is very blurred,” explained one of the veterans of the film industry.

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