What do people believe in (10 photos)

16 November 2012

There are many unproven things that people still believe. Let's look at them.

10. Aliens exist

Despite the fact that there are a sufficient number of conspiracy theories and theories about UFOs, we have no direct evidence that other life forms exist in space beyond our planet. However, many people firmly believe that there is life on other planets, or that it existed at some point in the past.

Watching videos of unexplained objects in the sky, reading personal testimonies of people who talk about how they got on a spaceship, we want to believe that there is life beyond our planet, even if it has yet to be proven.

9. Astrology and the art of prediction

Astrology is not a new concept for us, because people for centuries have made important decisions in their lives based on the stars. Without any real evidence that the paths of the planets and stars actually shape a person's personality, we assume that if we were born under a certain zodiac sign, we are practically bound to have a certain set of characteristics.

Daily horoscopes and astrological charts have become a guiding tool for many people who truly believe that their birth date determines their destiny and that it can help them make daily decisions.

8. Cryptids

Cryptids are animals whose existence has not been proven by science, just like the existence of Bigfoot. There are a number of amateur photographs, as well as observations recorded from eyewitnesses. Based on this, we believe that these creatures walked or swam on the earth, even if no remains of them have ever been discovered and their presence on earth is not officially recognized.

Until the Loch Ness Monster or another creptid is caught, they will continue to be classified as mystical creatures for which there is no evidence of life.

7. Scary ghosts

Anyone who claims to have seen a ghost can say that there is evidence for the existence of spirits, but skeptics argue that the origin of any ghost can be explained by lighting techniques or other logical reasons. After all, the question of proving the material existence of ghosts can never be certain.

While ghost hunters equip themselves with various electronic devices to measure spirit activity, the results they receive can always be interpreted in different ways. However, we believe in ghost encounters, believing that if something suddenly moves in the dark, it is undoubtedly a ghost.

6. The afterlife

Psychic environments allow you to talk to people who have died and whose arc has transitioned to another state. Mediums talk about the details they allegedly hear from the dead to their living relatives and friends. Despite the lack of any real evidence of how exactly psychics came to the information they give out, we still believe that they hear some sounds from dead people and even see them.

While mediums themselves do not say that the information they receive is 100 percent correct, our desire to talk to deceased loved ones is so great that we do not notice their mistakes and often give them the benefit of the doubt.

5. Law of Karma

Whether you call it "karma" or "what goes around comes around," people have a common belief that the way you behave today somehow demonstrates what will happen to you in the future. Tomorrow. Without relying on anything, we believe that if we act well now in accordance with the principles of morality, then only positive things await us in the future.

Despite the simple fact that we will never be able to prove that karma exists, many people still live in the hope that they can receive the benefits that it promises.

4. Human intuition

Call it intuition or a sixth sense, but we believe that sometimes it is what helps us make decisions. Intuition tells us whether we can trust this or that person, get a divorce, not walk down a certain street, or directs us along a specific path.

It would seem that in the absence of a logical explanation, our intuition helps us make decisions with confidence and feel that we are doing so on the basis of a “trusted authority” that is higher than us. We give our intuition the right to show us which way to go when we find ourselves at a fork in the road.

3. Different destinies

The phrase “everything happens for a reason” is heard everywhere, especially after something bad happens. Although we have no real reason to believe that every event that happens in life has a reason, we still tell ourselves that some events, if not all, happen exactly when they are destined to happen.

The idea that fate exists gives us comfort and helps us pull ourselves together after something bad happens.

2. Religious texts

Regardless of our background, most of us believe in some branch of religion. Religions are taught by texts, such as the Bible, which are supposed to outline how a person should live according to a higher power. We believe in stories about people who lived for several hundred years, performed fantastic feats, and were even able to defeat death, because all this is part of the religious text.

Although there is no evidence that these works are a true reflection of any higher power, people do their best to abide by the rules of morality laid down in religious books.

1. Hand of God

The easiest thing a person believes in is a higher power, or God, who somehow sees all our actions and guides us along the path of life. From the idea that our inner prayer is always heard to our belief that after death one encounters a higher power, we believe that God is not just a reality, but is everywhere.

However, the existence of God cannot be proven by any empirical data, but nevertheless, the concept of a higher power is what connects us with ancient people and with each other.

19 November 2012
Забыли написать, что не верить не во что, тоже является верой... этак замкнутый круг, т.к. все без исключения верят во что либо.
25 November 2012
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верят не верят, подверивают и т.д.
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