Ekaterina Andreeva recently celebrated her anniversary! (29 photos)

12 January 2012

Andreeva has been working in television for 20 years. How does she manage to always look so fresh? At the request of journalists, Catherine revealed the secret of her beauty. Firstly, without being freezing, it always ventilates the house. Even in cold weather he sleeps with the window open, enjoying the fresh air. And in the morning, instead of basking in a warm bed, you wash your face with an ice cube made from tea, which has a beneficial effect on the skin.

Before leaving the house, Andreeva takes a contrast shower. Alternating water at different temperatures helps your body look younger than ever. Catherine also slyly notes that a woman’s beauty is also influenced by... love! The TV presenter is happily married and wishes the same to everyone who wants to remain attractive.

Ekaterina always goes to the pool and sauna once or twice a week.

She doesn't consider herself a gourmet. And she doesn’t like any frills in food.

The TV presenter's menu necessarily includes breakfast, lunch and dinner. “Otherwise,” she believes, “the stomach begins to panic: aha! They didn’t feed me yesterday, so I’ll put aside a supply just in case.”

Breakfast. As a rule, it is some kind of porridge. The porridge is cooked in water or 0.5 percent milk without butter. By the way, Katya doesn’t eat butter. He cooks all kinds of porridge, with the exception of semolina. But most of all he loves wild black rice and English porridge (similar to our rolled oats, but more tender). For breakfast he can eat an egg or yogurt. And definitely a glass of green tea. Naturally, without sugar. Sugar, jam and, unfortunately, honey gradually became unloved foods.

Dinner. For the first course - soup, but not with meat broth: vegetable, mushroom, fish. For the main course: a piece of steamed fish, meat, chicken, game with a minimum of salt, soy sauce instead of salt. And no sausages, sausages, or cold cuts! This doesn't happen in the house. True, Katya’s husband sometimes buys a piece of some natural meat for himself. But this happens rarely. Catherine's daughter adheres to her mother's rules.

Dinner. Dinner is light. About the same as for breakfast. At the same time, Ekaterina believes that it doesn’t matter what time you eat, the main thing is what time you go to bed later. She adheres to the rule that dinner should be two to three hours before bedtime, no later. Fruits are constantly in her diet, preferably not exotic ones, but those to which she has become accustomed since childhood. The only exotic thing she loves is mango. And she doesn’t really like the now fashionable pineapple, which breaks down fat well.

In this regard, our heroine does not chase fashion. Unless you consider vitamin consumption a fashion. She always accepts them, regardless of the season. In first place is ascorbic acid. The rest are due to health reasons and the season. Now it is pycnogynol (a grape seed extract that removes free radicals from the body).

But there is also a know-how: drink a glass of cool water on an empty stomach. Ekaterina has been following this rule for a good dozen years now, on the advice of Slava Zaitsev.

Catherine also has bad habits! She doesn't even try to get rid of them anymore. Her “w/n” is chocolate and cigarettes. And if the passion for chocolate and “Mishka in the North” candies can be tamed rationally, then our otherwise positive heroine no longer even struggles with nicotine addiction. True, she smokes ultra-light cigarettes, with a charcoal filter, and always only “Muratti”. “They are the most purified,” says Katya. Unfortunately, these cigarettes are not sold in Moscow; they have to be imported from Italy. Italy is Catherine’s favorite country; her chosen fashion designers live and work here. She goes there a couple of times a year to update her wardrobe.

12 January 2012
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12 January 2012
14 January 2012
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