russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for November 18-20

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
21 November 2023

In the early morning of February 24, 2022, Russia launched missile attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct, full-scale invasion. The Ukrainian Armed Forces repel the enemy

- Ukrainian forces expect Russian troops to launch a third wave of attack on Avdiivka, and may soon intensify artillery preparations for the offensive, - ISW, situation at the front.

▪️The Ukrainian Armed Forces repelled an attack by Russian troops in the area of Vasyukovka (16 km north of Bakhmut), Kleshcheevka (7 km southwest of Bakhmut) and Andreevka (10 km southwest of Bakhmut).

▪️Russian assault units "Storm" and "Storm-Z" continue to suffer significant losses and only about 10-15% of the original composition of some units remains.

▪️The Ukrainian Armed Forces continue offensive operations in the Melitopol direction (west of the Zaporozhye region).

▪️Ukrainian forces also attacked between Novofedorivka (14 km northeast of Rabotino) and Verbov.

AFU counterattacked near Avdeevka, - ISW, situation at the front.

▪️Ukrainian and Russian forces continue fighting in eastern and southern Ukraine, although rainy weather is likely to continue to slow the pace of fighting.

▪️The number of Russian deserters and military personnel who refuse to carry out offensive operations is increasing, which forces the Russian command to use physical force to push them into battle.

▪️Russian troops unsuccessfully attacked in the area of ​​Klescheevka and Andreevka.

▪️Ukrainian forces advanced close to the railway southeast of Stepove (3 km northwest of Avdiivka) and counterattacked near the Avdiivka coke plant.

▪️The Ukrainian Armed Forces also advanced in the area of Novoprokopovka (3 km south of Rabotino) and Rivne (8 km west of Rabotino).

▪️Ukrainian troops maintain positions on the eastern bank of the Kherson region.

- Ukraine will not be able to survive in the historical perspective, in 10 or 15 years, if it does not continue to fight with Russia and does not try to return the territories that became part of the Russian Federation, - Mikhail Podolyak, senior adviser to the Ukrainian President's Office, said.

"The loss of Ukraine will also be the loss of its Western partners, who in this case will not be able to lay claim to global leadership."

He believes that Western countries have “no other scenario” than to support Ukraine, although this does not mean they will soon hand over the weapons it asks for.

- I believe, I believed.
The Russians were so affected by the GUR special operation, when their pilot overtook us the Mi-8 right under their noses, that they decided to “remake” it. her.

But they forgot about proofs

True stories that you can’t keep silent about

- A grenade was blown up in an apartment in the Dnieper district of Kyiv.

As a result of the explosion, a soldier and a woman who was nearby were killed. The brother of the deceased is in the hospital.

- Refugees from Iraq, Somalia, Syria and other countries arrive on scooters from the Russian side to the Finnish border, — Finnish border guards.

- Terrorist Girkin-Strelkov announced his self-nomination as a candidate for the Russian presidency in the 2024 elections

Well, if he survives...

- Pro-Putin Orban said that Ukraine is now light years away from the European Union

He promised to correct the erroneous promise to begin negotiations on Ukraine's accession to the EU.

- If the war in Ukraine is “frozen”, the Russian Federation will have enough 6 years to prepare its troops for a direct conflict with NATO, - a study by the German Society for Foreign Policy.

The reason will probably be an attack on the Baltic.

- Change of shoes

- “The enemy has not advanced, this is justn for internal audience" An hour later: - “The enemy has advanced 2 km²”


- Anti-war street art in St. Petersburg

The headless one leads, and the legless and armless ones follow him.

- Armenia will transfer Tochka-U tactical ballistic missile systems to Ukraine and Osa-AK anti-aircraft missile systems, a Russian source claims.

According to Rybar, agreements on this could have been reached during a meeting between the Secretary of the National Security Council of Armenia Armen Grigoryan and the influential head of the presidential administration of Ukraine Andrei Ermak with the assistance of the Americans.

The exact number of existing launchers and missiles is unknown: according to open sources there were at least three, however, according to Rybar, several more modernized Tochkas were used. were handed over to the Armenians by Russia.

And all of them, together with an impressive supply of ammunition (up to 200 missiles), may end up in Ukraine.

At the same time, the White House is actively pushing the issue of transferring the Osa-AK anti-aircraft missile systems, which are in service with the Armenian Armed Forces, to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Their number, taking into account losses in the Second Karabakh War, can reach 30-40 units.

- The Ministry of Internal Affairs did not notice extremism in Simonyan’s call to detonate a nuclear bomb over Siberia

But Sasha Skochilenko was given 7 years in prison for anti-war price tags in a supermarket, bravo 🤦

- Energy facilities in Ukraine received three levels of protection:

▪️First level – for protection against blast waves or indirect attacks by “Shaheds” (gabions – sandbags secured with metal cages).

▪️Second level – structures to protect against direct hits from drones.

▪️Third level – large-scale structures for combined protection against missile attacks and “Shaheds”.

We hope that this winter we will manage without blackouts.

- Occupants in Oleshki are advised to flee the city

- Ukraine is a place where Polish security is at stake, if Russia is not defeated, it will attack again, - Duda.

«Ukraine's support is obvious. I assume that the Polish authorities, regardless of which political camp they come from, will continue this policy.”

- Ukrainian rescuers Vitaly Nakaryakov and Sergei Dorogokuplya were working at the scene of a shelling in the Zaporozhye region when the Russian Federation struck again. Both rescuers died.

- Exactly 10 years ago

- Ukrainian Armed Forces fighter with a cat

- The guy decided to shoot himself so as not to go into the army...

-Are they guessing about something? The Central Bank will not add “new regions” to the hundred-ruble bill

- Something must have happened.

- Thanks to the government of the Oryol region for the assistance of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

- In Novosibirsk, an anti-abortion poster “I want to live!” hung next to recruitment for military service under contract.

- Miley’s views are, of course, specific, but you can rejoice at how shocking the Russians are with the quilted jackets

- Question

- Bogdan Ermokhin (a Ukrainian teenager whom the Russians forcibly took from Mariupol to the Russian Federation) has already returned to his homeland, said the Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Andrey Ermak.

- In short, it’s strange here

23 years old, moved from Moscow to North Korea.

It feels like the wife of some ambassador, consul in North Korea is telling her that it’s not so bad there… Check it out for yourself, there are a lot of subscribers at the entrance, although the account is new. Not everything is so bad in North Korea, there is even an Orthodox church and persimmon with Coca-Cola

Let her tell you where she got access to the Internet.

- Yemen's Houthis captured the ship Galaxy Leader with 22 crew members on board (according to the Israeli Prime Minister, Ukrainians, Bulgarians, Filipinos and Mexicans were among those abducted). The ship is not Israeli. British.

So, the Houthis captured a cargo ship. This in its purest form is not even an act of war, but of piracy. Without going into long explanations, in order to seize a ship at sea, you need to declare a state of naval blockade, this can only be done by the state and all that. The ship, of course, is not Israeli. It is generally British, leased to a Japanese shipping company, part of the shares of which, probably through an offshore, is controlled by an Israeli businessman.

There are two big problems here. First: The Houthis control one part of the shore (from the Yemeni side) of the Bab el-Mandeb Strait, which at its narrowest point is 26 km. It is the gateway to the Red Sea and the only route to the port of Eilat. For Israel this is more than serious. A very large part of the cargo goes there (a sort of alternative to the Suez Canal), which is transferred to the ports of Ashdod and Haifa on the Mediterranean Sea. Again, the India-Europe project tied to Eilat. This is already a threat to global shipping and global trade. Second: This could now greatly increase ship insurance rates. And this is already such loot and such interests that the Houthis, not by their own will, but by the will of the ayattolas who sent them, can stir up such a hornet’s nest that no one will care enough and they will have to urgently decide something.

(c) Sergey Auslender

- They brought photos from the negotiations between the USA and China: agreements regarding the Russian Federation have been reached.

For those who believe in the truth on the Internet, I’ll say right away that this is photoshop

- Diary of a Russian schoolchild

- Zetnik admitted

- Russian Field: Half of Russians do not believe official data on the progress of the SVO

The number of those who believe that they can trust is steadily decreasing. The growth of “non-believers” since the summer has amounted to 5%. And no matter how much money is allocated to propagandists, this is unlikely to change the situation.

- A stunning success

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