russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for August 18-19

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
20 August 2023

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- Russian ships "Inquisitive" and patrol ship of project 22160 "Vasily Bykov" became a target during the strike of Ukrainian kamikaze infantry fighting vehicles.

Vasily Bykov is involved in the illegal inspection of the dry cargo ship SUKRU OKAN in the international waters of the Black Sea on 13 August.

- The United States approved the dispatch of F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine from Denmark and the Netherlands as soon as pilot training is completed.

- The laying ceremony of the second Ukrainian Turkish ADA-class corvette took place in Istanbul, Turkey.

- Preparation of Ukrainian forces for the operation of Leopard 1A5 tanks in Germany.

- The Russian military intelligence (GRU) has created an intelligence network in Poland, the task of which is — stop or impede the supply of weapons to Ukraine.

The agents were preparing for sabotage, murder and arson.

Polish special services, which uncovered a sabotage network, claim that among the recruited agents there are several refugees from the occupied territories.

- Middle East eye:

Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan is due to visit Ukraine next week to explore options for resuming a grain deal suspended by Russia.

- The New York Times:

The total number of dead and wounded Russian and Ukrainian servicemen in Ukraine approaches 500,000 people.

Russian losses approach 300,000, including up to 120,000 dead.

About 70,000 Ukrainians were killed and 100 to 120,000 were injured.


We have agreed on everything that is required for a military intervention in Niger.

We are ready for military intervention in Niger at any time.

We have agreed on the exact day of military intervention in Niger, but we will not announce it.

We have to do it.

- German Chancellor Scholz:

Telling Ukrainians that they should just let their country be taken over has nothing to do with pacifism.

Those who took to the square as "doves of peace" are in fact "fallen angels from hell" who protect warmonger Vladimir Putin.

- US Chief General Milli:

For Ukraine, this is an existential struggle. This is a fight for survival.

If the ultimate goal is a free, independent sovereign Ukraine with an integral territory, then this will require even more significant efforts.

These goals can be achieved by military means. It will take a long time, but these goals can be achieved through diplomacy.

- Josep Borrell, outspoken European Union foreign policy chief:

Russia — it's a "gas station with an atomic bomb."

China is a real geopolitical player, and Russia is an economic dwarf, it's like a gas station, the owner of which has an atomic bomb.

- The Russian Ministry of Defense announced that a quadrocopter attacked the Russian military air base Soltsy in the Novgorod region.

Russian Tu22M3 long-range supersonic bombers are based on this airfield.

It is reported that one plane was damageden.

- About 200 Ukrainian soldiers have almost completed their training on M1 Abrams tanks in Germany.

At the request of Ukraine, the soldiers will remain at the training ground and maintain their skills until the tanks are ready to be sent to Ukraine.

- Sweden and Ukraine announced their intention to jointly produce the CV-90 BMP in Ukraine.

- Zelensky:

Test trials of Ukrainian pilots on Swedish Saab JAS 39 Gripen fighters have begun.

- An ECOWAS delegation arrives in Niger in a final diplomatic effort to reach a peaceful solution.

- Minister of Defense of Ukraine Reznikov:

A number of Ukrainian pilots, engineers and technicians have begun training on the F-16.

- German Rheinmetall will start repairing tanks in Ukraine.

Currently, 12 Ukrainian specialists are being trained in Germany, 12 more will arrive later.

Papperger's CEO also confirmed plans to launch tank production in Ukraine.

- Ukrainian SU-24M and M142 HIMARS

- Long-range missiles for Ukraine from allies: common and differences.

Interesting infographics

- apples with the inscriptions "APU" are grown in the Vinnitsa region and "F-16".

- Ukrainian pilots will start training on F-16 fighters in Denmark at the end of August, – Ministry of Defense of the country.

Also today, US national security adviser Sullivan confirmed that the F-16 will be sent to Ukraine after pilot training is completed.

However, it should be understood that a significant period of time will pass from the beginning of the exercises to the physical transfer of the fighters. It is too early to talk about specific dates, not only to train pilots, but also to prepare airfields and specialists who will be able to provide quality service to these aircraft.

Also, one should not expect that the F-16 will immediately radically change the situation at the front. The plane itself – this is only part of what we need. The main question is what weapons will be handed over to us along with the fighters, what missiles? So far, nothing is known about this. Also an important number, ten F-16s of strong "weather" they won't, but 48 – this is going to be strong.

- Drama theater in Chernihiv before and after the terrorist act of Russia.

At that time, there was an exhibition of drone manufacturers.

who came up with the idea to hold an exhibition of drones in the city center and give an announcement about it?

Who is responsible for this? We paid for this with the lives of our children.

The exhibition of drones did not agree with the Chernihiv City Council, – press service.

No permissions were granted. This is what pzdts did not have time to pass even a few hours from the moment of the tragedy, and those involved in organizing the exhibition have already begun to shift the responsibility on each other.

- One aircraft of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is simultaneously attacked by 5-9 Russians during missions, – Commander of the Air Force Oleshchuk.

Our «‎birdies» they do not have time to rise from the airfield, as they already find themselves in the enemy's zone of destruction.

Modern fighters are vital for us, and the allies continuedelay their supplies

- We don't leave our own, we just explode

- A soldier of the Austro-Hungarian army with a dog and an Italian shell in the mountains of Monte Brione, 1916.

- For almost 9 years, a Russian orphan could not get an apartment due to him. He went to war with Ukraine, so that he would finally be given an apartment out of turn, but was killed.

Aleksey Tuzhilkin from Bratsk for almost 9 years could not get the housing he was entitled to. He had to survive on 12 thousand rubles, because he gave half of his salary for a rented apartment. In 2022, he was 1047 on the state's housing list.

“My prospects for housing here are generally vague. I can’t start a family, what’s there… I thought about signing a contract, going to Ukraine. There are many orphans now serving, my friends and acquaintances. What do I have to lose? I have neither a child nor a kitten – I'll go & hellip; », — Alexey said.

The military registration and enlistment office told his wife that Alexei's company was destroyed by drones on August 15, writes «7x7».

- Artist Alyosha Stupin

- A student from Africa was stabbed to death in the center of Yekaterinburg. According to eyewitnesses — motivated by racial hatred

In Yekaterinburg, a 32-year-old Ural Federal University graduate student, Francois Ndzhelassili, who came to study in Russia from Gabon, was killed, KP-Yekaterinburg reported. According to Vedomosti Ural, Ndzhelassili tried to intervene in the conflict between two groups of young people who began to fight because of the line at the checkout. One of the participants in the fight took out a knife and stabbed the graduate student in the chest and stomach, he died on the spot.

The girlfriend of the deceased student told that Njelassili was killed on the basis of racial hatred. & laquo; as his friends said, two cattle came up, they said: & laquo; oh, look, Negro, come on it with a chirkan & raquo; — and stabbed. There was a fight on this basis, and he was stabbed in the armpit with a knife, and there was an artery, — said the girl. — Francois was a very kind and calm person, this is such an international scandal — kill for the color of your skin.

The alleged killer was detained, reported “The suspect had no previous convictions. He said that the quarrel happened because of the girl, he just wanted to teach a lesson, and not kill, — the source said.

Local tg-channel «Evening Vedomosti» recalled that earlier in Kamensk-Uralsky, two young men tried to drown a girl in a fountain because she “looks like a Jewess and has blue hair.”

- An example of Russian double standards in one screenshot

Posts really go one after another

- Who received a pardon for participation in the war with Ukraine? People who should have been in jail for a long time are released. "Jellyfish"

The recruitment of prisoners from Russian colonies to participate in the war in Ukraine has been known since the summer of 2022. In return, they were promised pardon and cash payments.

In June 2023, Russian President Vladimir Putin confirmed that he was signing decrees to pardon prisoners who agree to go to fight in Ukraine. Here are those who have already been released by Putin's decree.

- Unfortunately, they forgot to write about the dead Biden double, who came to watchand drones

Who writes these stories on their knees?

- And a pimple on my forehead jumped up

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