russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for August 16-17

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
18 August 2023

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- Rear Admiral Vadim Kulit, Deputy Head of the Russian Reconciliation Center for Syria:

Two F-35 fighters of the US-led coalition "dangerously approached" to two Russian Su-35 fighters over Syria.


The US is negotiating with Turkey, Ukraine and neighboring countries to expand alternative grain export routes.

According to the plan, by October Ukraine will export 4 million tons of grain via the Danube per month, most of the agricultural products will be transported to Romanian ports and then to other destinations.

The United States is exploring all possible options, including military ones, to protect ships going to and from Ukrainian ports on the Danube.

- China is starting construction of a runway on Triton Island, the closest island to Vietnam in the South China Sea.

A runway up to 609 m long and up to 13 m wide is being built on the island.

- Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan:

A member of the reconnaissance and sabotage group of the Armed Forces of Armenia was detained.

The rest of the subdivisions of the reconnaissance and sabotage group were forced to retreat.

- Forbes:

Ukrainian airborne troops have finally deployed their most powerful unit.

The 2,000-strong 82nd Air Assault Brigade, equipped with Marder and Stryker combat vehicles and Challenger 2 tanks, has moved into action in the Robotyn area in the Zaporozhye region in southern Ukraine over the past few days.

The 82nd Brigade and its sister air assault unit, the 46th Brigade, were among the last major units that the Ukrainian General Staff kept in reserve.

- North Korea claims US soldier Travis King fled because of "inhuman persecution and racism in the US military."

- The New York Times:

Russia leaves the bodies of its dead soldiers on the battlefield to avoid compensation.

Some killed soldiers are listed as missing, not killed in action.

- Ukrainian Antonov began dismantling the remains of the legendary An-225 Mriya aircraft.

Specialists remove preserved details. These details could help build a new version of the aircraft if such a decision is ever made.

"Mriya" was destroyed by the Russians at Gostomel airport in February 2022.


The United States offered Iran to stop deliveries of UAVs to Russia in exchange for easing sanctions.

Washington demands that Tehran stop sending not only UAVs to Moscow, but also spare parts for UAVs.

- Colonel-General Gennady Zhidko, Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, died today.

Liquid — commander of the Eastern Military District since 2018.

Zhidko was a former Russian Deputy Defense Minister and Chief of Staff of the Russian Armed Forces in Syria.

It is reported that Colonel General Gennady Zhidko died in Moscow at the age of 58 after a "long illness".

- It is reported that the Russian air defense system "Strela-10" destroyed by Ukrainian UAV-kamikaze Switchblade 600 on 10 August.

- Zelensky:

Ukraine has just taken an important step towards restoring freedom of navigation in the Black Sea.

The first civilian vessel passed through the new humanitarian corridor of Ukraine, having departed from the port of Odessa.

At present it is on the way to the Bosporus.

- Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy:

Crimea is historically a territory of Russia, its inhabitants consider themselves Russians.

To talk about his return to Ukraine — it's an illusion.

A referendum under the control of the international community is necessary in order to "assert the current state of affairs."

Sarkozy also expressed the idea of holding similar referendums in new regions of Russia in order to "finally and transparently" close the issue of returning these territories to Ukraine if it does not want a "frozen conflict".

Maybe then it would be better to give the territory to France? There, Russians in their villas will also be happy to hold their referendums.

- Ukrainian top general Zaluzhny held a meeting with representatives of the military leadership of the United States and Great Britain.

Zaluzhny reported to his colleagues on the current situation at the front, on the plans of the Ukrainian command.

Deliveries of weapons, ammunition, air defense and electronic warfare equipment, remote demining equipment were also discussed.

The priority task of the Ukrainian command was the issue of UAVs — both getting more drones for Ukraine and building up Ukrainian capabilities to fight Russian ones.

- Representative of the Ukrainian Air Force Ignat:

Ukraine will not receive F-16 fighters either this fall or winter.

It is already obvious that this autumn and winter we will not be able to defend Ukraine on the F-16.

- On the morning of August 17, two Russian Ka-52 helicopters were shot down in the Zaporozhye region

A photo of a burning Russian attack helicopter Ka-52 "Alligator", which was shot down today by servicemen of the 47th brigade of Ukraine in the Robotino district of the Zaporozhye region.

- The United States has approved the sale of Israel's Arrow 3 hypersonic anti-missile missile to Germany for $3.5 billion.

Germany will receive the system by 2025, with full operational deployment scheduled for 2030.

During this time, the price may rise to 4 billion dollars.

- A Russian military source confirms that the Russian attack helicopter Ka-52 "Alligator" was shot down on August 17 near Robotino, Zaporozhye region.

One member of the crew was killed.

The source denies the shooting down of the second helicopter.

- APU adviser Dan Rice proposes to transfer M26 DCIPM missiles to Ukraine, which can be launched from HIMARS systems:

If you get 2000 cluster rockets, I think the war will end. Just... (88 submunitions in 1 projectile) increases the combat power and the chances of destroying the Russians by 88 times.

- Germany supplied Ukraine with 2 launchers of the IRIS-T air defense system of the SLS modification.

The IRIS-T SLS has a (short) range of 12 km and an altitude.

Probably will be used against Russian Ka-52s on the front line.

- Head of NATO Stoltenberg:

NATO will support Ukraine until its victory.

- The Washington Post:

The Russian-Iranian agreement provides for the production of 6,000 kamikaze UAVs (Shahed-136/Geran-2) at a facility in Yelabuga, Tatarstan, by 2025.

Implementation is "at least a month behind" this schedule.

The total cost of the program is 151 billion rubles ($1.6 billion).

The Russian side is experiencing problems with technical documentation and has not yet resolved the issue with the localization of the Iranian Mado MD550 piston engine (a copy of the German Limbach Flugmotoren L550E).

- The Ukrainian authorities have included the Chinese Alibaba Group (the owner of AliExpress) in the list of "international sponsors of the war".

Kyiv notes that the company continues to do business in Russia, providing an international platform for the sale of foreign goods.

- 122-mm Iranian-made projectile in the hands of Russian artillery.

The ammunition was delivered in February 2023.

Iranian ammunition, as well as Chinese cartridges were transferred from Iran.

- Harvest freed! – Painter.

Our defenders are fixed on the borders of the settlement. Donetsk region. The offensive continues.


- ZNPP will be undermined: the paths have been decided, the rashists are planning to carry out a terrorist attack in late August-early September, - TSN.

Russian channels began to write about this referring to sources in the Kremlin. In addition, the head of the Kremlin is planning almost simultaneously a man-made disaster at the Kursk nuclear power plant in order to blame Ukraine for this.

As for the information about the possible undermining of the ZNPP:

You need to understand that this is only information from light brown channels, which cannot be verified. This is not a fact or a statement. Rashists almost always make stuff, but we have to react to them and show that they "said this or that." You need to understand the opinions of the enemy, even if it is complete "game".

So, we trust only official government sources, there is no information from our intelligence about a possible terrorist attack at the ZNPP yet.

But we note that yesterday the CNS wrote about a possible provocation at the Kursk nuclear power plant, which was prepared by the Russians.

- The mayor of Kremenchug purchased 15 gaming laptops for his mayor's office at a price of 99,000 thousand per laptop.

And this despite the fact that in stores the same laptop costs an average of 55,000 UAH. Bottom line: spent ( on laptops UAH 1,486,000, despite the fact that at a real price they could be bought for only 825 thousand (in online stores this costs only 55 thousand).

The question is, where the fuck is another 661,000 state funds, Mr. Maletsky?

Again: it was a purchase of gaming laptops.

Did the whole mayor's office decide to play Baldur's Gate 3?

- The mayor of Kremenchug Maletsky reacted to the scandal with the purchase of gaming laptops.

“Laptops were ordered not for the city hall, but for the military, at their request. They were purchased at a market price of 69 thousand hryvnias, not 99, and handed over to the military.”

NABU, pay attention, at first they bought more expensive than in Rozetka, then they changed the documents.

- There is no threat of provocations at the Zaporozhye NPP yet, – GUR.

“The Russian IPSO is actively working, they are trying to sow panic, scare the Ukrainians. In the event of an increase in the likelihood of provocations, as before – The GUR, the President and other special services will definitely warn.

- The lazy cat took part in Zelensky's meeting with the military.

Now not only Gunther knows state secrets

- "He said that everything will be fine."

Fencer Olya Kharlan posted a selfie with Valery Zaluzny

- Earned more than $100,000 a month on cheaters: DBR exposed a large-scale scheme for earning money in a psychiatric hospital.

In the Nikolaev region, the director of a mental hospital was exposed, who, together with doctors and law enforcement officers, organized a "business" for the preparation of certificates of unfitness for military service. Each cost $1,500.

Such a reference will no longer help the director

- Brigade "Azov" returned to the front, director of the planning department for the use of the National Guard Urshalovich.

"Legendary special purpose brigade Azov resumed and began to carry out combat missions in the Lugansk region."

- Infographics: where the Russian Federation continues to wage wars and how long they continue. .

- Attack helicopter Ka-52 "Alligator": tried to figure out why it is so important to destroy these Russian helicopters and what danger they carry?

Today's shooting down of two Ka-52s at once – very good and great result. This means that they either began to fly into the zone of action of our fighters from MANPADS, or we have improved things with air defense systems on the front end.

At the beginning of our counteroffensive, these helicopters gave us a lot of problems. They use the Vikhr anti-tank missile system. The missile of this complex can hit armored vehicles at a distance of 10 km, and it reaches the target in 28 seconds, so the helicopter quickly shoots back and does not enter the range of our fighters from MANPADS or air defense systems.

The fact that we began to actively shoot down "Alligators" it is in the directions where the Armed Forces of Ukraine are advancing that it says that the Russian advantage in the air is gradually leveled. Interestingly, according to preliminary estimates, as of August 10, approximately 51 Ka-52 units remained in Russia.

- CBO task – rescue from captivity the military who were captured due to the start of the NWO

- Siloviki want to get remote access to any information from electronic devices of Russians in real time. No court order required

The Ministry of Internal Affairs has developed amendments to the law "On operational-search activity", Kommersant drew attention. The changes will give the security forces the right to quickly and before a court order get remote access to data from data centers, cloud storage, from telecom operators and citizens' devices.

That is, we are talking about remote access to information. The initiative is explained by the fact that Internet crimes are widespread in Russia, for example, using private networks (VPNs).

- The story of a resident of Melitopol with a mental disorder, who was tortured by the Russian military

- Russian law enforcement officers were shocked when they saw what was climbing from the Krasnoyarsk forests...

- Everything is going according to plan!

- Special mem operation

- News and comments

- Logical

What happened?

- Former fighter of PMC "Wagner" wanted for the rape of a 13-year-old girl

«Send it out, please, to all your friends, maybe someone who has seen it! Looking for a 36 year old man. Khlebnikov Aleksey raped a 13-year-old girl and fled in an unknown direction, — messages with this text are sent to the chats of the Novoanninsky district of the Volgograd region. Now Khlebnikov has been put on the federal wanted list, writes

According to journalists, the rape of a minor occurred in a gypsy family (both the victim and the rapist are gypsies). In 2008, Khlebnikov was tried for theft and robbery. In 2018, Khlebnikov killed an acquaintance while drinking — caught up with him in the woods after a fight and beat him to death with a brick. Khlebnikov was soon found guilty of murder and theft and sentenced to 11 years in prison.

Source said that Khlebnikov returned home this summer. He received a pardon after serving in Wagner.

- There are no drones!

- Arrested for alleged "espionage" A Ukrainian woman who came to Crimea to visit her sick father wrote a letter to Zelensky from the pre-trial detention center

25-year-old Crimean Tatar and citizen of Ukraine Leniya Umerova, who was earlier detained in Russia while trying to visit her father with cancer in Crimea, wrote a letter to Vladimir Zelensky.

“I am writing this letter to you as a political prisoner from the Lefortovo SIZO. At the beginning of the winter of last year, I tried to go to my sick father in the Crimea, but when I entered the territory of the Russian Federation, I was detained in a bandit way. And six months later, in May, they made far-fetched accusations of espionage.

Today I want to write about the most important thing. Now our society is going through difficult times and is fighting for its rights to development and life. And all of us, citizens of Ukraine, each in his own place, courageously defend the most valuable thing that we have - our dignity and freedom. A foundation laid by previous generations and reinforced by our own experience. The words that for each of us have become at the level of the basic needs that we stand for!

Thank you that, as the leader of a sovereign democratic country, you show by your own example that the words "dignity" and "freedom" have no price!», — said in her letter, which was published by her brother Aziz Umerov.

He also said that a forensic psychiatric examination was appointed against the girl. Under the article on "espionage" The girl faces up to 20 years in prison.

- 2.5 years in a colony-settlement received for refusing to go to war in Ukraine, a Russian serviceman from Kamchatka

35 The garrison military court sentenced Dmitry Agienko to 2.5 years in a colony-settlement for refusing to participate in the war in Ukraine, "realizing the mobilization announced in the Russian Federation."

According to SOTA, Ogiyenko has three children — two sons and a daughter.

- Carriers of Power

- State Duma deputy Delimkhanov confirmed the extrajudicial killing and approved the act of the son of Ramzan Kadyrov, who beat Nikita Zhuravl, accused of burning the Koran.

- Painting by Ukrainian artist Bogdana Chilikina

- Turkey warned Russia about the inadmissibility of maritime incidents

Turkish authorities have warned the Russian side about the inadmissibility of incidents in international waters, reports Reuters.

A statement tweeted Thursday by the Office of the President of Turkey said: "Due to an incident in the international waters of the Black Sea involving a cargo ship, a warning has been duly sent to the Russian side to avoid such attempts to escalate tensions in the Black Sea." sea".

On Sunday, Russia said its patrol ship had fired several warning shots from an automaticweapons towards the vessel "Shukru Okan" (Russian officials call it "Sukra Okan" – RS), sailing under the flag of the state of Palau, after the captain of this vessel did not respond to a request to make a stop to check the cargo. Subsequently, the Russian Ministry of Defense published a video of the inspection of the vessel, which was heading to the Ukrainian port, by the Russian military.

- Putin instructed the Government to create a mechanism for the forced transfer to Russia of Russian companies registered abroad by the end of November. For example, Yandex, X5, Tinkoff, Polymetal, Qiwi & hellip;

- A 39-year-old resident of the Karelian village was stabbed to death in front of the children by recidivists, one of whom had just returned from the Wagner PMC. After the murder, the perpetrators burned down the family's house.

For the murder of the breadwinner and the loss of a roof over their heads, the family will receive only 10 thousand rubles from the local authorities

Karelia Daily writes about it. Prior to this, the residents of the village of Derevyannoye announced a fundraiser to help fellow villagers.

The suspects served sentences together in a colony for murder, robbery, robbery, rape and drugs. One of them received a pardon after serving in the Wagner PMC.

In total on the account of criminals seven murders. This is the most massacre in the history of modern Karelia.

- In Kazakhstan, the website of the TV channel «Tsargrad» banned for promoting extremism

The last warning to the channel was caused by the plot "Kazakh nationalists terrorize Russian women on the eve of Victory Day".

The creator of the channel is the Orthodox oligarch Konstantin Malofeev, one of the sponsors of the war with Ukraine since 2014.

- ABC of a little Donetsk resident

- The Killers concert in Georgia

- Russia has declared Grozny and Mariupol "sister cities". In parallel, information appeared that the Mariupol Ilyich Iron and Steel Works – the largest industrial enterprise in the Donetsk region of Ukraine – was actually under the control of Kadyrov.

- Make your choice!

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