russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for June 26-27

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
28 June 2023

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- The United States knew about the possible rebellion of Prigozhin, but did not want to interfere in the split within Russia.

American intelligence received such signals back in mid-June. But at the same time, the rebellion had neither a clear character nor the timing of preparation.

NYT notes that Americans knew about Prigozhin's intentions — two days before the start of his riot.

But the special services kept silent about Prigozhin's plans.

“They obviously had little interest in helping Putin avoid a serious split in his entourage.”

- By the end of the year, Germany plans to transfer another 45 Gepard SPAAGs to Ukraine.

- Russian military sources:

Prigozhin was not allowed to meet with Putin for two months before the mutiny.

His attempts were blocked by Shoigu's entourage in the Kremlin.
It was planned to eliminate Wagner and Prigozhin.

Prigozhin believed that this was the only way out, and after the start of the riot, Putin would take his side.

- An anti-personnel mine was found near the railway tracks in Moscow.

The worker who found it under the rails pulled out the mine himself

- Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan will cooperate in the transportation of Kazakh oil through the territory of Azerbaijan, bypassing Russia.

- Very rare Mi-8 MTPR shot down by Wagner

- Crash site of Russian Air Force Il-22 shot down by Wagner

- Australia will provide Ukraine with a new aid package in the amount of $73.5 million.

The package will include 28 M113 armored personnel carriers, 14 special purpose vehicles, 28 medium trucks, 14 trailers and 105mm artillery ammunition.

- Financial Times:

Germany opposes possible transfer of frozen Russian assets to restore Ukraine.

Reason – too high legal risks. As an unnamed German official told the publication, "This will create a lot of problems."

- Former FSB agent and Russian commander Igor Strelkov (Girkin) calls for the hanging of Wagner's Prigozhin because it is "simply necessary to preserve Russia as a state."

- EU Foreign Ministers approved an increase in the military assistance fund for Ukraine by 3.5 billion euros.

- Japan is protesting against Russia because of the adopted law on renaming September 3 to "Victory Day over militaristic Japan".

Japan says this could "not only provoke anti-Japanese sentiment among Russians, but also lead to anti-Russian sentiment among the Japanese."

- Germany intends to deploy an additional 4,000 troops in Lithuania on a long-term basis.

- Denmark will write off its F-16s two years earlier, which will bring their transfer to Ukraine closer.

- Swedish CV90 infantry fighting vehicles are already in Ukrainian units on the territory of Ukraine.

- Ukrainian forces liberated Rivnopol in the Donetsk region.

- Belarusian media report that Yevgeny Prigozhin was seen at the Green City Hotel in Minsk.

- Biden:

The situation in Russia — this is part of the internal struggle, the US will continue to support Ukraine no matter what happens in Russia.

The United States has made it clear that it is not involved in what is happening in Russia.

- The new US military aid package for Ukraine will include:

- 30 x Bradley

- 25 x Striker

- Ammunition for HIMARS

- Ammunition Patriot

- Ammunition for Javelin

- Ammunition for Stinger

- Investors react negatively to the joint speech of Putin and Lukashenko.

- Prigozhin has palaces in the Crimea for 150 million euros and a private jet, and his wife is the owner of a chocolate factory, — BILD

At the front, Prigogine appears as an ordinary soldier. But, in fact, he secretly leads the luxurious life of a billionaire:

➡️ Hawker private jet for 2 million euros.

➡️ Six-bedroom Sankt Vitamin yacht for 6 million euros.

➡️ A palace near a nature reserve on the Black Sea for 100-150 million euros.

➡️ Prigozhin especially loves horses and luxury cars. One of them — luxury retro Cadillac.

➡️ His wife owns spas, a chocolate factory and a chocolate museum.

- 200 km from the border of Ukraine with Belarus, they began to build camps to accommodate the fighters of PMC "Wagner"

The construction of a camp in Osipovichi for 8,000 people is already underway. There will be several such camps. And the Republic of Belarus will open recruitment points for PMCs.

- "Putin's rating after the rebellion rose to 90%, and the Russians are ready to pray for him"

Top non-fictional stories.

- PMC "Wagner" will transfer its heavy military equipment to the active units of the RF Armed Forces. Preparations are already underway, — Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

The FSB also announced that the criminal case on the fact of the armed rebellion was closed.

- Putin is not a war criminal, and Ukraine is no longer a sovereign state, — Orban

He also stated ( that the achievement the world depends on the US, not on it.

- The "Iron Dome" may be handed over to Ukraine: the United States is asking Israel to "give the go-ahead" for the supply of air defense.

In circulation ( of US Senators it is said that one battery of the Iron Dome complex is capable of providing protection over an area of ​​about 150 square meters. km. The US is not asking Israel to hand over these systems, only to allow the US to hand over its own batteries.

- The UN accused Ukraine of violating human rights due to the fact that the SBU "arbitrarily deprived of freedom" collaborators who collaborated with the Russians

The UN believes that the arrests — illegal. The most useless organization ever.


The West asked Ukraine not to attack Russia during the rebellion.

"The message was — don't rock the boat.

Ukrainian officials have been contacted at various levels, warning them against using the chaos in Russia to strike.

- Shoigu in the Kremlin accepts Putin's congratulations on the successful suppression of the military mutiny, organreduced by Prigogine.

- Ukrainian forces destroyed the Russian MLRS "Grad-1" on ZIL-131 in the Zaporozhye region.

- Rheinmetall will deliver 14 more Leopard 2A4 tanks to Ukraine on behalf of the Dutch government.

The first of the purchased and repaired Leopard 2A4 tanks from other countries will be delivered to Ukraine in January next year, and the rest will be gradually transferred over the course of 2024.

- The Russian PMC Wagner, which gained influence thanks to Putin and rebelled against him in Russia on June 24, armedly controls as many as 15 African countries; using your resources

- 152-mm Chinese-made Type 66 high-explosive fragmentation projectile used by the Russian artillery unit with the D-20 howitzer.

And here is a photo of boxes with shells.

Judging by the characteristic markings on the boxes, they are of Iranian origin.

Claim: A Chinese 152mm projectile was once delivered to Iran, where it lay for a long time, and then equipped with a fresher Iranian-made charge and sent to Russia

- The United States is providing Ukraine with a new $500 million aid package that includes munitions for HIMARS and Patriot systems.

Also includes 30 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles, 25 Stryker armored personnel carriers, artillery shells and spare parts.

- President of Ukraine Zelensky dismissed the general director of Ukroboronprom.

- Chinese Ambassador to the EU Fu Cong:

China does not object to the return of the occupied territories to Ukraine as of 1991.

“I don’t understand why not. We respect the territorial integrity of all countries.

- NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg:

NATO should not underestimate Russia after the events of the past weekend.

NATO must ensure that Ukraine can seize as much land as possible in order to strengthen Kyiv's position in future negotiations.

- Putin in 2019: Wagner has nothing to do with the state.

Putin in 2023: Wagner was fully financed from the state budget.

- The New York Times:

Russian General Sergei Surovikin had advance knowledge of Yevgeny Prigozhin's plans to rebel against the Russian military leadership, prompting questions about how much support the mercenary leader had in the highest echelons of power.

- A Russian missile hit a cafe in Kramatorsk.

The cafe was frequented by foreign Ukrainian military volunteers and journalists.

They posted a lot on Instagram.

8 people died, including 3 children. 56 were injured.

- It really do be like that

- The court sentenced 71-year-old scientist Valery Golubkin to 12 years in a strict regime colony in the case of treason

The Moscow City Court sentenced a 71-year-old physicist, an employee of the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute im. Zhukovsky (TsAGI) Valery Golubkin in the case of treason. This was reported in the press service of the court.

The trial was held behind closed doors, since the materials of the criminal case are classified. The scientist maintained his innocence.

According to the "First Department" project, in 2018 Golubkin's boss Anatoly Gubanov involved him in the Hexafly-Int (High-SpeedEXperimental FLY Vehicles) international project to create a passenger aircraft. The investigation claims that two reports on the project, which TsAGI was obliged to submit to partners and which, at the direction of Gubanov, Golubkin handed over to colleagues from the Netherlands, contained state secrets.

Human rights activists point out that in fact this is not the case, because before sending it, three commissions at once confirmed that there are no state secrets there, reports can be published and transferred to foreign partners. Valery Golubkin – Professor at Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Leading Researcherudnik TsAGI, author of more than 120 scientific papers in the field of aerodynamics. He was engaged in theoretical developments and had only the third form of access to state secrets. He never worked with information classified as "top secret" and "special importance", specify in the "First Department".

The case against Golubkin was opened on April 12, 2021, on the same day he was arrested and sent to the Lefortovo pre-trial detention center. In the same case, the previously arrested physicist Anatoly Gubanov, who worked at TsAGI and taught at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology the course "Practical Aerodynamics of High-Speed Aircraft", is being investigated.

- Somewhere in a parallel universe

- These are 14-year-old sisters Yulia and Anna Aksenchenko, who died during a missile attack on Kramatorsk

The girls studied at the local school №24. This year they finished the eighth grade, writes the publication "Strana".

The death toll after the missile attack on the city increased to 10.

- I'm so tired

- In the Bryansk region, a woman got into an accident when she ran into anti-tank pyramids. They were installed on the road without any warning signs.

The woman who was driving, remained alive. It is reported that it was raining at the time of the accident, and the "dragon's teeth" turned out to be «not very» noticeable.

"Yes, she remained alive, but there was not a single warning sign, it should not be so," – she told local reporters.

- The developers of the game Death From Above donated 10 thousand euros to the army of Ukraine

- Thank you for your service, eagles!

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- The killer of a girl from Kemerovo, who tortured her for several hours, left for the war in Ukraine

Vladislav Kanius, who killed Vera Pekhteleva with particular cruelty, went to war in Ukraine, human rights activist Alena Popova reports, citing Vera's mother.

She said that Kanyus is already posting photos in camouflage and with weapons in his hands. The girl's relatives applied to the Federal Penitentiary Service and received the following answer: "Convicted Kanyus Vladislav Romanovich, born on 04.08.1996, left on 04.28.2023 at the disposal of the Main Department of the Federal Penitentiary Service for the Rostov Region."

On the body of the girl killed by Kanius, 111 injuries were found, before his death, he raped Vera, and then strangled her with a cord from an iron. The court sentenced him to 17 years in a strict regime colony. Also awaiting their verdict are the police, who ignored seven calls from neighbors during the murder of Vera.

- Features of national justice

- From the creators of Ivanych's prick

- Rostov and Rostov residents fell in love with the Wagnerites who captured the city and are now looking for them in social networks

- The main problem with quotes on the Internet is that people immediately believe in their authenticity

- 2028, 6 years since the start of the war. 349th wave of partial mobilization. children who refuse to fight in Ukraine are shot on the spot

- Now Putin's most trusted one is gold on the tank, don-don did not live up to expectations

- Jigsaw, Tubzik and Shibzdik - the crew of the (washing) combat vehicle

- And what about the faces? Something happened?

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