russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for June 14

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
15 June 2023

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- Wagner is recruiting volunteers

- As they say, there is a small nuance, it was a layout

See the video in the video section.

- Akhmat is not strength?

- Orc Lieutenant Colonel Assoc. Dr. Vladimir Butenko.

Lecturer at the All-Military Academy of the Armed Forces of Russia.

He went to Ukraine to check whether the theory is consistent with practice.

It turned out that no, so it's like a load of 200 lies in the ground.

- With the start of the offensive in the Zaporozhye direction, Russia deployed 20 helicopters to the Berdyansk airport.

In total, as of June 13, at least 27 helicopters of the Russian army are at Berdyansk airport.

- 5 x Ka-52 helicopters

- 9 Mi-8 or Mi-24 helicopters

- 13 Ka-29 helicopters

- A Russian missile attack on Odessa was carried out on a warehouse. 3 people died, 7 were injured.

Another missile strike fell on Kramatorsk. 2 people died, 5 houses were also destroyed and at least 17 were damaged.

- Ukrainian tank Leopard 2A6 in the Zaporozhye direction

- The head of the Russian PMC Wagner, Prigozhin, said that Wagner would not sign any contracts with the Russian Ministry of Defense.

Prigozhin believes that the state will find a compromise solution, in which Wagner will receive both social guarantees and documents as a participant in hostilities.

- Russia is named the biggest threat to peace and security in the new German national security strategy.

- The Netherlands donates 4 VERA-NG passive radars to Ukraine

- Civilian vehicle through AMX-10RC thermal imaging monitor

- Reuters:

Ukraine has deployed only 3 brigades out of 12, the decisive battle is yet to come.

- Heavy losses of the 37th brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine during the counteroffensive, — Washington Post

A fighter with the call sign "Woodcutter" said ( that on June 5, near Velyka Novoselka, his detachment out of 50 people, 30 did not return. Five armored vehicles of the unit were destroyed during the first hour of the battle.

Nevertheless, in this way it was possible to capture one of the villages in the Donetsk region.

- Russia and Ukraine wanted to agree on the lease of Crimea, Lukashenka said:

“Putin gave me a document that was signed by the delegations. In Crimea – rent there is some kind of long-term, in the Donbass, in the east. normal contract. But they refused, and now it is impossible.

- The SBU detained an officer of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who in a few hours was supposed to transfer to the Russians the data on the direction of our counteroffensive

Now he faces a huge prison term.

- The grandfather of the deceased military man asks in the subway to sign a petition for the assignment of hisgrandson of the title of Hero of Ukraine.

The petition received the required number of votes. Daniil Kondel died in the battles near Bakhmut.

- “In Russia, by the end of the year, a secure Internet pilot project will be launched, which will be available only to citizens of the country using a personal identifier. Russian users will be offered a network consisting only of safe and proven domestic services. — Vedomosti

“In this network, only safe, proven services will be available, the owners of which comply with all the requirements of the current legislation. Experts note that all the infrastructure necessary to protect citizens from dangerous content has already been built in the Russian Federation.

- The logic of the "patriot"

- 149 Red Book tritons died in Ukraine as a result of the explosion of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station

- Eco-activist Greta Thunberg took part in a rally in Bonn at the UN building against "ecocide" because of the destruction of the dam of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station and supported the Ukrainians – DW

Greta Thunberg addressed the Ukrainians in an interview with DW. "We support you, we are on your side. We see what is happening. The eyes of the whole world are turned to Ukraine and Russia, to what is happening now. We are not going to be observers, we are not going to be silent. Stay strong. We stand in solidarity with you," she told DW.

Eco-activist took part in a rally in Bonn near the UN building – against "ecocide" due to the destruction of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric dam.

"The crimes that Russia is committing in Ukraine must be condemned… What is happening is terrible and we cannot let this continue", – Thunberg stressed.

Participants in a demonstration organized by German and Ukrainian activists accused Russia of deliberately undermining the dam of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station, which led to the flooding of many settlements and caused serious damage to the environment.

- They are back and they are ready for work

- Everything is true

- Confused unga bunga

1 comment
16 June 2023
Щодня з нетерпінням чекаю оновлення новин , читаємо. Коротко, стисло і зрозуміло. Дякую
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