russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for April 15-16

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
17 April 2023

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Danilov:

Ukraine will "test and use" any non-prohibited weapon to liberate their territory, including Russian-occupied Crimea.

- Ukrainian mutant armored vehicle based on the T-64 tank without a turret, but with a machine gun and dynamic protection "Contact-1" seen near Bakhmut.

- At the European Weightlifting Championship in Yerevan, the capital of Armenia, another provocation was committed against Azerbaijan and Turkey.

The flags of Azerbaijan and Turkey were hung out in a torn condition.

At present, the organizers have completely removed the flag of Azerbaijan and replaced the flag of Turkey.

- Ukrainian armored personnel carrier "Mutant" based on the T-64 tank with dynamic protection "Contact-1"

- Ukrainian soldiers on the Leopard 2 tank train in Poland on simulators.

- Today in Istanbul, the bewitching beauty of the new flagship of the Turkish Navy TCG ANADOLU meets with breathtaking views of the Bosphorus.

- The Russian army continues to deploy T-55 tanks to Ukraine

- Just a family quarrel, — this is how the President of Brazil called Russia's aggression against Ukraine during his visit to China.

Lula Da Silva urged other countries to stop fueling the war and persuade Kyiv and Moscow to negotiate.

- Beautiful decorations for eggs are already on store shelves.

A howl is already heard in the swamps.

- Another +460 Russians would be able to live if they didn’t go to a foreign country, poke their noses into other people’s business

Successfully demobilized:

▪️mobik captain Yuri Styazhkin

▪️mobik captain Denis Zykov

▪️senior lieutenant mobik Alexey Galashin

▪️Senior Lieutenant Stanislav Yushchenko

Total «to Kyiv» 181,550 volunteers did not reach

- "News, not from friends, not from girlfriends"

▪️Media writes that Russians have already begun to receive electronic subpoenas

Sachets, bags, don't forget the bags, guys

- I'm sorry, but the heroes in this country clearly correspond to the state of affairs

▪️ The deputy was given a medal for the repair of the yard toilet

- Here are the remnants of luxury. It looks like they are selling "demobilization"

- Colonel-General Mikhail Teplinskiy, who was removed from the post of commander of the Airborne Forces in January, returned to command of the troops, — British intelligence.

Unlike many other generals, Teplinskiy is a truly respected figure in the Russian military, and he will probably defend the position that the Airborne Forces should be used as an elite force.

However, the fact of his removal from office and return to command testifiesabout a serious political struggle among the Russian military leadership.

- More than 137 thousand euros – that is how much budgetary funds the German Foreign Minister Burbock spent on a personal make-up artist, — focus.

According to the publication (, (https :// Burbock photographers cost the German treasury 2022 178 thousand euros. In 2019, this amount for the German Foreign Ministry was 127 thousand euros.

- Christ is Risen, and Vladlen — No.

There are pleasant things in life.

- YouTube allows you to post Wagner PMC propaganda, — The Guardian.

Dozens of propaganda videos praising the Wagner group — appear on the video service and social networks ( mercenaries accused of rape, torture and murder in Ukraine and other countries.

- Christ is Risen! And 182,070 Russian occupiers who laid their heads on Ukrainian soil, — No

Among officers today: ▪️Senior Lieutenant Vasily Titov;

▪️Senior Lieutenant Andrei Tsepusha

▪️Lieutenant Nikita Lebedev

▪️mobik captain Alexey Korzyukov

▪️Lieutenant Alexander Romanov

520 Russians were released in one day. Someone will say: “You’re Orthodox, Izolda Markovna, so gloat on Easter,” and I’ll answer you: they came to my land with weapons, take away and kill: I rejoiced at their deaths and I will! Until they get out, or take a break to the last. Draw your own conclusions and stay away from us.

- The network is tearing up a video where a lot of tough Ukrainian soldiers are walking confidently somewhere

Supposedly, these are footage from the exercises, but the z-patriots notably crap that it started a counteroffensive. Do not rush, everything will be

- Russian Ambassador to Denmark Barbin announced that Copenhagen sent military equipment to Ukraine

- M2A2 Bradley in Ukrainian camouflage

- Non-children's literature. Author — girl from Mariupol

- Intuitive Swedish

- Every year the muzzle is sadder

- on the topic of electronic agendas in Russia

- In Stavropol, when buying two coffins, the third one is promised free of charge to military families.

- Christ is Risen!

- And this is another van derwaffe - TTM-4902 polar all-terrain vehicle

Summer is coming, it's time to take heavy equipment

- Elon Musk untied the hands of Russian trolls on Twitter

- Congratulations from Bakhmut.

- Torn, sorry

- This is what invulnerability looks like

- Inevitable

- They do not disdain stolen cars

- When redesigned…

- Preparations for Easter are in full swing

- Brilliant (And also on the topic of dynamic protection)

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