russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for April 9

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
10 April 2023

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- Ukraine will supply 200 Polish Rosomak armored personnel carriers, and not 100, as previously reported.

The first 100 Rosomak armored personnel carriers will be delivered immediately, and another 100 — Later.

- Head of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation Valentina Matvienko:

Merkel and Hollande always deceived, used the time to saturate Ukraine with weapons and prepare an attack.

- A Taiwanese fighter pilot with an interesting patch:

A Taiwanese black bear holds up the national flag and hits Winnie the Pooh (a mockery of his resemblance to Chinese President Xi Jinping).

Dictators have some bad luck with small countries this year

- Turkey's first IMECE sub-meter (high resolution) observation satellite will be launched into space on April 11 from the United States.

IMECE — is a remote sensing satellite produced by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) using native parts (up to 60%).

- The result of an air strike by Russian aviation on a bridge across the Sudost River in the Chernihiv region.

Significant damage, but not completely destroyed.

The strike was delivered by a Kh-29TD air-to-surface missile.

The reason was allegedly that the sabotage troops that recently got into Bryansk were passing this bridge.

- Ukrainian fighter MiG-29 with anti-radar missile AGM-88 HARM

- French President Macron after his visit to China:

Europe Should Reduce Its Dependence on the US for Arms, Energy and "Extraterritoriality" US dollar.


The big risk Europe faces is that it will be drawn into crises that are not ours, which prevents it from building its strategic autonomy.

We believe that we are simply followers of America.

The question that the Europeans must answer… Is it in our interest to accelerate [the crisis] in Taiwan?


- The new flagship of the Turkish Navy TCG ANADOLU is completely ready and should be delivered tomorrow.

UAV Bayraktar TB3, combat unmanned aerial vehicle Bayraktar KIZILELMA, Super Cobra helicopters and S-70B Sea Hawk helicopters are visible on the deck of the ship.

- A response arrived from Russia to the recently announced action by the co-founder of Monobank, where he promised to give 20 million hryvnia to the one whose UAV reaches Red Square on May 9th.

Good luck in your search.

- In the temporarily occupied Sevastopol, the Russians hit the bus with a nuclear weapon.

Before Washingtonget there.

- "Notify relatives, take an alarm case, depart for a safe area."

Memos on the evacuation of the local population have already appeared in Belgorod.

- Russia's losses amount to more than 220 thousand people, — NYT.

According to US intelligence (, the Russians suffered from 189,500 to 223,000 casualties despite the fact that the number of Russian losses will be made public with "low certainty." That is, at best, these are rough estimates.

- After a visit to China, Macron actually admitted that he was preparing negotiations with Russia for Ukraine, — Les Echos.

At least this comes from his interview: ( 1933493) “Now there is a war in the yard. Ukrainians are resisting, and we are helping them. Now is not the time for negotiations even if we are preparing them and if we have to clear the way.”

- Another 470 Russians acquired the status of "good"

Among the denazified officers:

▪️Major Alexey Shmakov

▪️Deputy Commander of the Tank Battalion of the 5th Brigade of the 2nd Army Corps, Major Pyotr Luzanov

▪️Senior Lieutenant Vladimir Vertepov

▪️officer mobile company commander Vadim Sokolov

▪️officer mobik Sergey Kolodiy

In total, 178150 asvabadiers have been demobilized since the beginning of the full-scale war

- how much military equipment did the Russian Federation lose in the war with Ukraine?

▪️OSINT analysts visually confirmed the loss of 10,000 pieces of Russian equipment since the full-scale invasion

The meat assault continues, there will be more and more

- The number of Russians who want the speedy completion of "SVO" is growing

▪️ 73% of respondents are positive about the prospect of completing the "special operation" tomorrow.

▪️The share of those negatively evaluating the early completion of "SVO" has decreased – from 21% in February to 18% in March.

- The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation does not consider it necessary to tell the relatives of the victims where their bodies are buried

▪️The whole of Tuva was on its ears after the publication of the photo of the burial places of Tuvan asvabadites in... Novosibirsk! Relatives did not know anything about death and funeral.

▪️Probably this is done in order not to pay insurance coverage and lump sum benefits to relatives.

Why notify someone about consumables? "Women give birth", all that

- Meanwhile, Russian-speaking pensioners in Latvia

- Finnish leaflet from the Winter War 1939-1940. Suitable for the current Puylov army

- "Oh, trouble, trouble, chagrin!" The poor Tuvan relatives of the Tuvan contract soldiers and chmobiks who died in the war will not be paid "denyakh". This has never happened before, and...

- Vadim Ostanin, the arrested ex-coordinator of Navalny's Barnaul headquarters, was seized medicines. "Siren"

- OMON in St. Petersburg disrupted the religious ritual of lighting a fire for Easter in the Catholic Basilica of St. Catherine. This lighting has been held outside the church for the last 3 centuries. The police considered the ritual an uncoordinated rally

What a spiritual expression on the face of a policeman....

- We dreamed of returning the Scoop gladand ice cream for 19 kopecks. Reality: Punitive psychiatry is back. And the ice cream is now made from palm oil.

- How well matched

- 19-year-old resident of Moscow Timur Dzhuraev was detained by the police, beaten and handcuffed in the entrance of the house "for evading the army". "Aster"

According to Juraev, one security officer hit him in the nose with his elbow, and the other — foot in the groin. He himself stated this at the trial, and his girlfriend, who witnessed the incident, also confirmed it to ASTRA. She said that Timur was detained on April 5, when they entered the entrance together, returning home after walking the dog. “No one explained anything, and even the documents were not provided to us. The only thing they said: “you ran over”, “you finished your game”. Timur was not rude to them, despite the fact that they attacked him, he asked to explain everything simply. He was pushed and kicked, — she described what happened.

However, Timur Dzhuraev was officially arrested for 10 days under the article "petty hooliganism"; for allegedly standing in the yard and "shouting, waving his arms."

Now 19-year-old Timur, who wanted to do alternative civilian service, is in the Sakharovo detention center. After his arrest, he was taken to the military registration and enlistment office and forced to sign the summons, but Timur refused. This ASTRA was told by the father and mother of the young man.

- Poor things

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