russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for February 8-9

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
10 February 2023

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- rf wants to carry out a new large-scale offensive as soon as possible, — ISW.

According to ( analysts, they plan to do this before the Armed Forces receive heavy equipment from Western partners.

Is the offensive already underway? Russia has been trying to resume major offensive operations in Ukraine since the beginning of January, — British intelligence.

The UK Department of Defense believes ( that Raska's operational goal is almost certainly to capture the remaining Ukrainian-held parts of Donetsk Oblast.

- Great Britain will offer Ukraine long-range weapons, — MASS MEDIA.

It was previously reported ( that Vladimir Zelensky visiting Britain today.

- Putin is playing for time, believing that Ukraine and the West will exhaust their strength before Russia, — Estonian intelligence.

"Pynya is convinced that time is on his side because he "has sufficient resources to fuel his war machine," — says ( putin-is-playing-for-time-on-ukraine-estonian-spy-agency-says?srnd=premium-europe) in the intelligence report.

- Zelensky has already met with Rishi Sunak

- Convicts are threatened with new terms for refusing to go to fight in Ukraine, — Russian media.

The security forces, when recruiting convicts, directly say that for refusing to join a PMC, they will specially raise old cases of 10-20 years ago, the term of which has already expired.

Similar cases are known from the colonies of the Samara and Rostov regions, as well as Perm, Kuban.

- "Until Putin's defeat": Sunak promises to support Ukraine to the end

"Putin's aggression can by no means be considered a success, and therefore we have accelerated and increased our military support for Ukraine to ensure its victory in the war this year", — said ( the Prime Minister of Britain.

- Scholz criticized partners for "competition" in arms supplies to Ukraine, — Reuters.

"What hurts our unity is this public competition to outdo each other in areas: battle tanks, submarines, aircraft - who will give more?" — considers ( Scholz

- The British Minister of Defense has been instructed to study which aircraft can be provided to Ukraine.

"The decision on the supply of British aircraft to Ukraine has not yet been made, but this issue is being actively considered by Wallace", — reported ( to-stand-with-ukraine#top-of-blog) official representative of the British Prime Minister.

- Ukraine needs to gather as many countries as possible into the coalition for the transfer of Leopard, — Pistorius.

Next week (, the German Defense Minister will meet with Oleksiy Reznikov and countries that will form an alliance around the transfer of tanks to Ukraine. According to Pistorius, the idea is to include as many countries as possible in this coalition.

- Schizophrenia in full swing

Children's character to be tied to war and associated with blood? Smart...

- #losses of invaders as of 02/08/2022

🔻+910 deaths of the RF Armed Forces per day

▪️Major – Vladimir Nesterov

▪️Captain – Artyom Statsenko

▪️Senior Lieutenant – Evgeny Brusnik

▪️Senior Lieutenant – Alexey Demidov

- Zelensky and Sunak met with the Ukrainian military.

Now our fighters are being trained to drive Challenger 2 tanks, which, according to Sunak, will arrive in Ukraine in March.

- The Russians in the Luhansk region launched an offensive, – ISW analysts.

Experts noted ( sc) the movement of invaders to the north-west of Svatovo. Here the military command of Raska attracted parts of several divisions for the offensive.

At the same time, the Ukrainian defenders do not allow the enemy to get significant successes and the Armed Forces of Ukraine can go on the counteroffensive.

- Anapa is preparing to receive refugees from the Crimea, – Russian media.

What happened?

- In Berdyansk, an airfield was hit, 100 invaders were destroyed – GVA.

This arrival, February 8, our soldiers destroyed more than a hundred invaders. A warehouse with ammunition and fuel and lubricants and a radar station were also damaged.

- The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation will develop invisible bridges, invisible drones and invisible military uniforms

We are waiting for invisible tanks and, finally, after the army is completely plundered, this lawlessness can be stopped

- Analogue "armor protection" from the Ministry of Defense of Belarus

I wonder if it is convenient to harvest potatoes like this?

- Everything is stable and secure in the Durkee

- The Russians burn the corpses of their soldiers in the Zaporozhye region to hide the losses

A mobile crematorium was set up on the territory of the Prydniprovska Biotes enterprise in the city of Tokmak (Zaporozhye region), reports the Ukrainian General Staff.

"Local residents complain about the constant cadaveric stench in the south-eastern district of the city, especially at night", – stated in the summary.

No evidence - no firewood, Frets and promised payments

- #losses of invaders as of 09.01

🔻+ 910 dead of the RF Armed Forces over the past day:

▪️Lieutenant Colonel Stepan Kungurov

▪️senior pilot, crew commanderKa-52 Major Mikhail Abramenko

▪️Lieutenant Colonel Andrey Barabanshchikov

▪️Captain Vladislav Vishnyakov

- There are no more prisoners in the Russian Federation.

According to Putin's cook Prigozhin, the recruitment of new cannon fodder has been completely stopped, and in front of those who have already gotten into his "musical circle" that all obligations are fulfilled.

- The first recorded destroyed BMPT "Terminator" somewhere near Kremennaya.

At least 10 such combat vehicles were seen on the territory of Ukraine.

Not far away you can still see the T-90M "Proryv" with a minesweeper.

- The defense concern Rheinmetal is negotiating with Ukraine on the possible supply of Panther tanks, — the head of the company in an interview.

The German government will have to approve ) any export of Panther tanks that were developed in Germany, the publication added.

- Crimean fuss: the occupying authorities are preparing for the Ukrainian operation to liberate the peninsula, — GUR MO.

The decision states ( that the units of the FSB of the Russian Federation operating in the Crimea and the linear department of the Ministry of the Russian Federation on Transport need to strengthen control over the movement of vehicles on the peninsula. Control over the movement of Russian citizens and foreigners is being strengthened.

- Iran is modifying its drones for the Russian Federation to inflict maximum damage on infrastructure in Ukraine, — CNN.

It is noted that the smaller "charges" that are contained ( in the warhead, when the blast wave propagates, they are capable of penetrating armor and creating a kind of “360-degree” explosive effect, which greatly complicates repair work on damaged objects.

- "I have to force him", — Zelensky in an interview with Der Spiegel.

"Now we are in trouble again -49a9-a38e-4bfba834f27b) phase with this debate about German tanks, it's emotional and complicated. I have to force Olaf Scholz to help Ukraine and constantly convince that this help is not for us, but for the Europeans, — said Volodymyr Zelensky.

- "Dynamic protection" in Belarus looks something like this.

Sufficiently analogous. But no potatoes.

- The EU does not know where 86% of the "frozen" assets of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation are located, — Bloomberg.

The EU has calculated (, that about $258 billion could be discovered based on the information provided by the Bank of the Russian Federation, but no one yet knows where it is stored.

Of this amount, about $36.4 billion has been located at the moment, follows from a document prepared for the summit with the participation of Vladimir Zelensky.

- Together we will win.

Vladimir Zelensky handed over ( to the king of Belgium a piece of a downed roRussian Su-25 aircraft.

Ukrainian soldiers left a message on the fragment: "Together we will win."

- 44% of Russian citizens under the age of 34 said in a survey that they were ready to emigrate if possible

More than 40% of young Russians declared their desire to emigrate

War in Ukraine, economic recession and mass mobilization fueled emigration moods among Russian youth.

44% of Russian citizens under the age of 34 said they were ready to emigrate if possible, showed a survey conducted by "Romir" with Gallup International. This figure is almost 8 points higher than the global average and 21 points higher than for older respondents (over 55), among whom only 23% said they would like to live elsewhere.

The leaders in terms of willingness to emigrate were residents of Sierra Leone (84%), Ghana (81%) and Nigeria (71%). The least willingness was noted among residents of India (4%), Vietnam (8%), Japan (14%).

In Russia, only 15% of the urban population reported that they would like to move to another country. This indicator is one of the lowest in the world and is declining in annual dynamics. In December 2021, 20% of Russians would be ready to move to another country.

- How, according to the Russian Federation, it looks like "at present, hostilities are successfully developing in the area of ​​Vogledar ..." photos of the damaged equipment are attached

- Putin: It is necessary to create conditions for Russian goods to become a matter of national pride

- It is afraid

- Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine

- "The strength of this" state " - take away the last role from a little woman, who is an order of magnitude taller than a creature in the Kremlin, shoot in the back on a bridge, poison panties in a hotel, bomb residential areas. Deprive the elderly of pensions, and the poor - housing. And that's all (With). Leah Akhedzhakova is kicked out of the Sovremennik Theater

- Igor Eidman

- Since mid-2022, the number of serious aircraft accidents has been growing in Russia. Experts are waiting for disasters: no one checks the quality of parts from India and Iran. "The Insider"

- Major economic projects...

- Russian school

- I put this picture as a comment, but it is quite good for an independent post

- Thank you for the fur coat! -what coat?

- Veterans of hostilities, including those in Ukraine, are not given the promised land (3 photos)

- Zelensky in the UK Parliament

- The President of Ukraine arrived in the UK

- On the pro-Russian Topwar recognition?

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