russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for January 31 / February 1

1 February 2023

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- Yandex admitted that their smart speaker is eavesdropping on users

After leaking the data, the company apologized to the user and stated that it violated the principles of honesty and transparency — Company statement

"Gand * n of all Rus'", "when he dies", "f*ck in the hole", "strange creature waves his hand" — such requests were blocked by Yandex, as Putin's photos appeared with them

Robots have risen?

- Lukashenka was scammed in Africa too

"Father" presented the President of Zimbabwe Mnangagwa with a Belarus 92s tractor for personal subsidiary farming.

In response, the Belarusian President received a stuffed lion. Mutually beneficial exchange...

I would bring a bag of potatoes, and what's the deal?

- Money for entering the store?

In the Perm Territory, Residents Are Charged for Entrance to a Grocery Store. What's next? Air fee?

One, two, three....Gooooyda...

- A cat for the life of a dead mobik

Unusual meetings for the wives of the dead mobilized held in Penza. They try to distract women from grief with prayers and treatment with cats ...

The idea with Playstation for kids was better...

- Wagner flee from the battlefield and they are put on the wanted list under the current articles

Just look at these articles, Russians, how is it? It is normal that representatives of your army — maniacs, rapists and thieves?

- #losses of invaders as of 01/31/2022

🔻+850 dead Russian Armed Forces per day

▪️Senior Lieutenant – Dmitry Grishanko

▪️Major – Alexander Mazaev

▪️Lieutenant Colonel – Sergey Nikonov

▪️Major – Alexey Lipsky

- The United States is ready to use conventional and nuclear weapons to protect South Korea in the event of an attack by the DPRK.

About this head ( of the Pentagon Lloyd Austin, speaking at a joint press conference conference with South Korean Minister of National Defense Lee Jong Sop in Seoul.

- Corruption is rampant: Ukraine ranks 116th in the Corruption Perceptions Index, — Transparency International.

Despite the positive changes (, our state is still among the hundred most corrupt countries. Ukraine shared its place in the ranking with Mongolia, El Salvador, the Philippines and Zambia.

- "Crimea will return to us": Budanov in an interview with The Washington Post.

"It's not true that they will use nuclear weapons. The task of a nuclear strike will lead not only to the military defeat of Russia, but also to its collapse. And they know this very well. I'll tell you more: it all started in Crimea In 2014 – everything will end there", – added ( he.

According to Budanov, Russia will focus on the occupation of most of the territory of eastern Ukraine, and the offensive from Belarus — unlikely.

- OnlyFans has banned access to its site for Russian users. When accessing the service page without a VPN, an error 403 appears.

After the start of the war, OnlyFans froze the accounts of Russian users, paymentsthey stopped.

- Ukraine will receive 120-140 tanks in the "first wave" of Western deliveries, — said ( Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Kuleba.

He noted that at present the tank coalition has 12 members.

- Abramovich will give Ukraine a historic amount of 2.3 billion pounds from the sale of Chelsea — The Telegraph.

Oligarch Roman Abramovich announced ( the sale of " Chelsea, even before being included in the sanctions list and in the spring of last year, promised to send the proceeds to a fund created in favor of the victims in Ukraine.

- France announces the transfer of 12 CAESAR self-propelled guns to Ukraine, — French Defense Minister.

The package amounts to 200 million euros of military support.

- "Nuclear alert after failed attempt to fix Trident submarine with superglue."

Jokes are jokes, but according to information ( The Sun urgent pipe repair the sub was required to cool down after one bolt, secured with superglue, fell off during inspection. The Royal Navy has ordered an investigation into the incident.

- Biden will discuss Ukraine's requests for weapons for war with Zelensky, — AFP journalist.

The American President said this ( during a conversation with journalists a day after he negatively answered a question about possible deliveries of F-16 fighters to Ukraine.

- Poland wants to train Ukrainian Leopard 2 crews in five weeks, — Reuters.

"If we intensify ( training , by increasing the number of instructors, optimizing our time and our weekends, we will be able to prepare a whole crew in five weeks", — Major Maciej Banashinsky, commander of the Polish Leopard training center, told the agency.

Standard Leopard 2 training time is ten weeks.

- Italy will join forces with France in the supply of air defense to Ukraine, — F.T.

Italian Defense Minister said ( that the new military aid package, which is still being developed, will probably include air defense systems. Crosetto declined to give details, but noted that "Ukraine and the allies will be happy."

- The Russian offensive is the most likely development of the war in the coming months, — ISW.

Analysts write ( that the occupiers are likely to continue to build up forces in the Luhansk region and increase the deployment of mobiles- Chmobiks in eastern Ukraine to support "inevitable decisive strategic actions" in the Lugansk region.

- Ukraine deserves NATO membership immediately after the war, — Czech President.

"The Ukrainian army will be perhaps the most experienced army in Europe. Ukraine deserves to be part of the community of democratic countries", – said ( Peter Pavel.

- Ukraine deserves NATO membership immediately after the war, — Czech President.

"The Ukrainian army will be perhaps the most experienced army in Europe. Ukraine deserves to be part of the community of democratic countries", – said ( Peter Pavel.

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- The SBU is conducting a search of the house of Kolomoisky accused of stealing 40 billion UAH.

The investigation concerns fraud on "Ukrtatnafta" and Ukrnafta. We are talking about wasting oil products worth 40 billion hryvnias and evading customs payments for some cosmic amounts. Exclusive photos from the search.

- South Korea will conduct a test launch of a new powerful ballistic missile on Friday, — The Korea Times.

As the ( edition writes, this is done in order to strengthen the containment of the growing nuclear and missile threats from North Korea.

- The SBU and DBR also conducted searches at Avakov's place. The case concerns the purchase of French Airbus helicopters, — UP.

"We finished the search after the helicopter accident. We looked at the Airbus contracts 6 years ago. Of course, nothing. The contracts were approved by the government and parliament. They conducted them correctly, although it was pointless. They formally worked out the version." — quoted ( Avakov's media.

Searchs are also underway at the home of the People's Deputy (OPZZH) and a major businessman-developer Vadim Stolar.

- But there is a nuance

- The harsh everyday life of the Russian world

The occupant happily avoided a meeting with Khaimars, came home "on leave", but fell in an unequal battle with a drunken girl in the city of Babayevo.

Don't see the white Lada now

What happened?!

- When you were not accepted as a pioneer as a child, and you still have an unclosed gestalt

- The Vice-President of the Bundestag and the President of Austria arrived in Ukraine.

According to media reports (, the Austrian delegation will announce today a new aid package that includes the necessary generators.

- Today there will be a dismissal of the entire leadership of the customs, — Arachamia

- The teacher tortured a 9-year-old girl: cutting wounds were found on the child's body.

According to ( of the police, such disgusting methods of "education" in an orphanage in the Fastovsky district of the Kyiv region, they were used not for the first time.

Now she faces up to 6 years in prison.

- We strike a global blow against the internal enemy, — head of the SBU

"Bright evidence of this – mass searches, presentation of suspicions and detention of intruders ( of various calibers. This is only the first stage, we do not plan to stop! Every criminal, especially in war conditions , must clearly understand – we will put handcuffs on his hands," Malyuk emphasized.

- The Cabinet of Ministers has appointed a new interim head of customs: he was the deputy head of the State Customs Service Sergey Zvyagintsev.

Dismissed ( Alexander Shchutsky from the post of First Deputy Head of Customs.
Andrey Lordkipanidze was also fired from the post of Deputy Chairman of the State Food and Consumer Service.

The Government Has Started Disciplinary Proceedings Against Deputy Head of the State Customs Service Ruslan Cherkassky. He has been removed from his post for now.

-A giant sculpture of Zelensky in the style of the Statue of Liberty appeared in Estonia

“The residents of Tarva opened the park last year and promised that the sculpture would stand until Ukraine won”, — shared ( the head of the Estonian government Kaja Kallas.

- "Russia must know where its borders are": Georgia wants Russia to withdraw from its lands as part of a peace agreement with Ukraine, — Bloomberg.

The Georgian President emphasized ( ?srnd=premium-europe) that the end of the occupation of North Ossetia depends on the defeat of dust in Ukraine, and this moment, according to her, is fast approaching.

- "Georgia is drifting towards the Kremlin": The country does not comply with EU requirements, — The Economist.

The publication writes ( that the application for EU candidate status was sent in June last year with a list of 12 requirements that the government is in no hurry to implement.

"Also, according to Ben Hodges, the Georgian government has tied itself to the Kremlin. For example: in order to calm the dust, Georgia refused to join the sanctions and return the air defense systems that Ukraine had previously handed over", — noted in the article.

- The invaders are actively trying to reach the borders of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, — Deputy Defense Minister.

"The enemy is trying to expand the geography of the offensive in the Liman direction", — Anna Malyar added.

- "There is no firm refusal": Britain clarified the position on fighter jets for Ukraine.

"Great Britain does not finally refuse to supply fighters to Ukraine, but at the moment the decision to transfer fighters is wrong", — stated ( open-to-mediator-role-if-asked#top-of-blog) Defense Secretary Wallace.

- The US lost the largest number of allies in history under Trump, — Biden.

"I have spent hundreds of hours talking to world leaders to mend U.S. relations with allies since the presidency of Donald Trump", — said the President of the United States at a meeting with representatives of the Democratic Party.

- And now to the exciting questions. What do Ukrainians eat for breakfast?

- While renamed

- Security officers in cassocks met in the Dzerzhinsky Division and were photographed with his bust. Jesus was a Bolshevik! (January 27)

- Not sitting, not a man

Is everything going according to plan?

- Military memoirs of Dmitry Rogozin failed in the sale

Dmitry Rogozin's book "On the Western Front Without Changes" failed in the sale. In one of the largest chain bookstores, only about 100 copies were sold in two months with a circulation of 7,000 copies. Nevertheless, the author does not lose heart and intends to launch an additional edition of 7,000 books as well.

According to the website "Chitai-Gorod", a little more than 50 copies have been bought since the end of December. The actual number of books sold is unlikely to exceed 100 pieces.

The fact that the book of the ex-head of Roskosmos not very popular, sellers of large bookstores also confirm. According to them, no one asked Rogozin's book at retail outlets.

- They have something to answer for Western deliveries of tanks to Ukraine

-Putin instructed the government to urgently learn how to produce robots. By July 1, 2023, the Cabinet of Ministers should approve the project for the development of robotics

- Inexpensive in general

Are there any doctors? What's the diagnosis?

- I wonder if Dissernet will soon talk about the fact that another candidate of the Russian bureaucrats was written by a neural network

- The US State Department for the first time declared "non-compliance" Russia's nuclear weapons treaty.

- In the St. Petersburg office of "Yabloko" the exhibition "Peace Art Protest" was opened; the elderly artist Elena Osipova. With these paintings, she went to single pickets, starting in 2002. The exhibition will be open until February 24

- Che boys, sociology?

- In Russia, he delivered the first verdict in absentia in the case of military fakes. The decision opens up a trend towards sentencing in absentia under Article 207.3 of the Criminal Code. (Telegram of Pavel Chikov)

- Can someone tell her

- listen, come here

- Smart people don't need teachers

- who wants to become a foreign agent

- The President of Iran finally spoke, but he didn't say anything sensible

- Remember this one? Protest hero in St. Petersburg. This is not to shine with flashlights or shoot on the phone

- True or fake?

- The circus lights the fires: In Volgograd, the road signs were changed to "Stalingrad". Putin is expected to arrive there on February 2

- It turns out that NATO at the borders was not so scary at all

- "It's good that Putin started the SVO" - a pensioner

- In Russia, the court for the first time passed a sentence under the article on a terrorist attack for setting fire to a military registration and enlistment office. Vladislav Borisenko was sentenced to 12 years in a strict regime colony.

+ #losses of invaders as of 01.02

🔻+ 920 dead of the RF Armed Forces over the past day:

▪️ Lieutenant Alexei Bardin;

▪️major of the Federal Penitentiary Service - mobik Oleg "Fox" Makarov

▪️Major Yevgeny Zakharchenko

- heroism in Russia

- 19-year-old student Olesya Krivtsova faces up to 10.5 years in prison on charges of "discrediting" the Russian army and justifying terrorism. Her interview with Present Time. "They created this chat in order to write a denunciation of their classmate in general .." (link in the comments)

- The police in Krasnodar found a janitor who took flowers from the monument to Taras Shevchenko, where a memorial is located in memory of the victims of the rocket attack on the Dnieper. The janitor, according to activist Vitaliy Votanovsky, who brought the flowers, said he was cleaning them on behalf of the city administration (text: SOTA)

- Odessa

- Lithuania collects 5 million euros for radars for Ukrainian air defense

- Hymars shares are sold on the Russian stock exchange

- Iran considers Ukraine as a potential culprit in the attack on Isfahan.

- Fascism is not in my head

- Memes

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