russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for December 26-27

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
28 December 2022

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- And as always, "peveo" worked in Engels.

Yes, it worked so well that 3 warriors died.

- Today Ukraine will officially raise the issue of exclusion of the Russian Federation from the UN Security Council, — Kuleba.

"We will officially take this position. Our question is very simple: does Russia have the right to remain a permanent member of the UN Security Council and to be in the UN at all? We have a convincing and reasoned answer - no, it does not," he said. Foreign Minister on the air of the telethon.

- Crimea will be returned both by force and diplomacy, — head of GUR Budanov.

"Nothing will happen without force. Our units will go there with weapons in their hands", — he emphasized.

Also, Budanov added that Ukraine will return all the lost territories, that is, it will reach the borders of 1991.

- After a negative downing of a drone at the airfield, a real nightmare began in Russian chats.

And the governor of Saratov

- Speaker of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Yuri Ignat commented on the explosions at the Engels airfield in the Saratov region of the Russian Federation, where the strategic aviation of the Russian invaders is based.

"Another" cotton ". If the Russians thought that the war would not touch their deep rear, then this is not so", — said Ignat.

- Spoiler for 2023: in South Korea, helicopters, fighters and air defenses were alerted because of drones from North Korea.

They write that drones from the DPRK violated the airspace of South Korea and reached the outskirts of Seoul. This led to the suspension of civil air traffic.

There is information that the KA-1 plane sent by the South Koreans crashed.

- The National Bank announced the creation of the Power Banking banking network, which will work even in blackout conditions. It was announced in November.

There you can get the following services:

receiving cash (at ATMs or at the cash desk);

payments, transfer of funds (at the cash desk or at self-service terminals);

currency exchange (in the presence of cash currency at the box office);

consultations of managers on financial matters.

- The chronicles of the shame of the dumbest Russians continue.

One of the local propagandists published photos of a Christmas tree decorated with swastika balls and signed, they say, this is how Ukrainians decorate.

But he did not take into account that you can easily search through Google these photos and understand that these are Christmas decorations exhibited in a museum in Germany and have nothing to do with Ukraine.

- There is no limit to idiocy

Photoshoots with a snowman in Nizhnevartovsk end with obscenities, screams, and sometimes even tears, because the figures are painted for some reason. The paint on the water does not dry out and generously stains the jackets of visitors.

Idiots, God, what idiots they are...

- #losses of invaders as of 12/26/2022

+550 dead Russian Armed Forces per day

Major of the GRU Special Forces – Maxim Sokolov

Captain III rank – Denis Akhtyamov

Company commander – Cheder-ool Alash

Major – Alexey Botov

- In Russia, a summons was issued to a boy who died at the age of 2.5 yearst 13 years ago.

What's wrong with that? As the Russian-haired military commissars would say, "I'm to blame."

- Wait, leave something for 2024, otherwise there are a lot for 2023: the first case of infection with the "brain-eating" amoeba Naegleria Fowler has been detected in South Korea.

The amoeba enters the body through the nose, migrates to the brain and infects it, causing primary amoebic meningoencephalitis.

The patient died on December 21 after onset of symptoms (among them headaches, fever, vomiting, speech dysfunction). On December 10, he returned from Thailand. Symptoms develop quickly and the infection is fatal.

- Grab the popcorn. Or a sachet. Now there will be a creep.

Eternally drunk Medvedev suddenly turned into a fortuneteller and predicted the collapse of the European Union, the war between France and the Fourth Reich, the civil war in the United States and a lot of other crazy/interesting things.

- Miracles in the swamps. Only here and only now.

The authorities of the village in the Krasnodar Territory Rashki see the improvement — they quite seriously put a sofa in the park.

- The main factors that will determine military operations in Ukraine this winter, — The Wall Street Journal.

Firstly, the weather. The conflict may intensify when the ground hardens. And, although the Armed Forces of Ukraine will be able to go on the offensive in cold weather, it will become much harder for Ukrainians in the rear — considering energy issues.

Russian Attempts to Capture Bakhmut Acquired "Psychological Significance".

Russia, on the one hand, expects that Western support for Ukraine will decrease due to the cold winter and the Republicans coming to power in Congress. On the other — preparing for a major offensive in Ukraine.

Some Western leaders will continue to talk about the conditions for establishing peace.

- Over the past 48 hours, hostilities in Ukraine have continued to be concentrated around Bakhmut and Svatovo, — British intelligence reports.

This is how Russia transferred part of the tank army to Belarus. Probably, the formation was conducting exercises, but it is unlikely that they will be able to bring everything to combat readiness.

- The strike on the Russian airfield "Engels" reflects "the opinion of the political and military leadership of Ukraine that the risk of an escalation of the war by Moscow in retaliation is small", — New York Times columnist Andrew Kramer.

"Russian Armed Forces Already Fighting at Their Normal Capabilities, Ukrainians Say, and Kremlin's Hints on Use of Nuclear Weapons Seem Empty", — the journalist develops the logic of Ukraine.

- Why the Russian Federation should be excluded from the UN Security Council and the organization as a whole.

Russia is constantly blocking the adoption of important issues, while being in the UN illegally, — approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

Therefore, the exclusion of Russia from the UN Security Council was initiated.

- "Olivier index" grew by 45% in a year.

To prepare three kilograms of Olivier for a family will cost an average of 303.9 hryvnias. That is, the cost of one kilogram of lettuce is almost 102 hryvnia.

- Bunker and potato grandfathers held negotiations in the Russian Museum of St. Petersburg.

Just a pathetic mess on a photo from Washington.

- Austria is preparing for a possible blackout due to the war in Ukraine, — Defense Minister Claudia Tanner in an interview with Welt.

"We need to prepare for blackouts in Austria and other European countries. The question is not whether the blackout will come, but when it will come", – she said.

- Five scenarios for the development of the war in Ukraine in 2023, — BBC.

Among the options for the development of events:

The Russian Federation will conduct a decisive counter-offensive and its outcome will be a key factor.

Ukraine will return all the occupied territory before the beginning of summer.

Ukraine will win, advancing slowly but surely. By the end of 2023, Crimea will be completely under Ukrainian control.

Fierce confrontation and counteroffensives of both sides.

The war will drag on and not end until the end of 2023.

- Georgia tensed up.

The European Parliament will not approve Georgia's bid for EU membership if ex-president of the republic Mikheil Saakashvili dies in custody, Polish MP Jacek Sariush-Wolski said.

- The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry responded harshly to Orban's words that our country will be able to fight as long as the United States supports it with weapons and money.

"The defeat of Ukraine in the war, which Orban indirectly calls for, would lead to a direct threat of Russian aggression to Hungary and the Hungarians," — added to the ministry.

- Zrada came from where they did not expect: the actress from "Game of Thrones", "Sherlock" and "Avatar" Una Chaplin supported the Russians.

"I'm so tired of Russians being the bad guys. I can't even describe it. Maybe someone will finally come up with a better stereotype to work with," Charlie Chaplin's granddaughter told the Independent.

- Two additional batteries of the "NASAMS" air defense system arrived in Ukraine and anti-aircraft missiles for them.

In addition, Italy is considering providing Ukraine with air defense systems. This was announced by Prime Minister George Meloni in a conversation with Zelensky.

- Rashists fired at a maternity hospital in Kherson.

There were 5 women after childbirth, miraculously no one was hurt. Russia — terrorist.

- There can't be normal relations with today's Russia, — German Foreign Minister.

She stressed that the West will continue to tighten sanctions against Russia as long as the "barbaric and aggressive war in violation of international law" continues, since "Ukraine also defends the freedom of Europe."

- Putin gave the participants of the unofficial CIS summit 9 rings

Typically, only the President of Belarus Lukashenko publicly put on this decoration.

Lords of the Rings on Minimal Pay

- Curious ritual service billboard spotted in Russian Izhevsk

A new popular profitable business has appeared in the country of fools

- Information appeared on the web about the liquidation of one of Kadyrov's close associates

As a result of, presumably, an artillery attack by the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Adalaev Musa, the commander of the Terek SOBR detachment, was liquidated.

Musa, like other Kadyrov's commanders, preferred to be in the rear, but even there, by the will of the Almighty, death overtook him.

Akhmat strength!

- Holy saints! What miracles are happening!

- Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrugpleases residents with a huge snow hare

What year, such a bunny

- Chelyabinsk could be renamed Zelyabinsk with such a New Year's decoration

On the first photo — Nuremberg in 1938. Find 10 differences

- #losses of invaders as of December 27

+ 620 dead of the RF Armed Forces over the past day:

Captain Israfil Magomedov

Captain - Lieutenant Alexei Fedotkin

Aleksey Marchenko, pseudo-lieutenant, graduate of the DonVOKU created by the occupying authorities in Donetsk.

Ruslan Belousov, pseudo-lieutenant, graduate of the DonVOKU created by the occupying authorities in Donetsk.

KIZYAK Sergey Serebryakov

- Taking into account yesterday's flaming of cotton wool just from one mention that the Russian Federation will be thrown out of the UN, I cannot help but share the UN Charter and its compliance with the values (C) of the modern Russian Federation. Spoiler - there's a street flash throughout the preamble

- Anti-war snowman in the city of Vladimir

- Russians all the time want to prove to everyone that everything is fine with them. This is already starting to worry me: are you all right there? If not, post pictures with a cigarillo in your hand

- Russian indie game dev be like

- How an artist from the Kaluga region draws anti-war pictures on the walls of houses

- In Voronezh, an activist went to a solo picket in defense of freedom of speech. The activist was detained. Employees in uniform threatened him with a criminal article and demanded not to leave the city. Source: Avtozak LIVE

- Rings first, then this logo. Today is the day of fools or sabotage?

- Prigozhin ordered extras for the funeral of a convict from the Wagner PMC. For the Saturday ceremony in St. Petersburg, they paid 1.5-2.5 thousand rubles. There were only 50 applicants.

- Ukraine received 41 generators for medical institutions from Kazakhstan

- Lawyer-foreign agent Mikhail Benyash conducted a tricky poll in his telegram channel

- Memes

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