russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for December 25

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
26 December 2022

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- In the meantime, a zigzag Santa Claus is chasing around Cheboksary

- Butt plug "Victory" for real winners

- Here's a Christmas miracle for you: the CEO of YASNO writes that there is a high probability that there will finally be light in Kyiv almost all day.

Now it is clear who made what wishes.

- Infographics from "Forbes": changes in the balance of power between Ukraine and the Russian Federation during the 10 months of the war.

At the Armed Forces of Ukraine, tanks and armored personnel carriers / infantry fighting vehicles killed losses due to trophies.

- In Russia, the ex-commander of the ground forces of the Russian army, Alexei Maslov, died.

He was considered a supporter of cooperation with the North Atlantic Alliance. After he retired from the post of commander, he headed the Russian representation to NATO.

- Today, at the airfield in Machulishchi, an engine of one of the MiG-31K of the Russian Aerospace Forces caught fire, — Guyun.

It is disabled and will not be able to fly in the near future.

- Pope Francis called for an end to "senseless" hostilities on the territory of Ukraine.

In his speech, the pontiff congratulated the faithful on the holiday and called for solidarity with the Ukrainians. Francis noted that many Ukrainians are living this coming Christmas "in the dark, in the cold, or away from their homes because of the devastation caused by ten months of war."

- It sounds interesting: the US signed a contract worth more than $ 1 billion with Lockheed Martin, — Reuters.

This manufacturer, by the way, specializes in missile systems such as HIMARS.

The contract provides for the purchase of materials, parts, components and efforts necessary to ensure the timely production and delivery of 118 lots for 18 F-35 aircraft for the US Air Force, Marine Corps, Navy, Department of Defense.

- The Armed Forces of Ukraine defeated the headquarters of the Katsaps in the Kherson region.

As a result of the attack, up to 70 enemy soldiers were injured, — General Staff.

- TIME magazine published the best photos of the year according to its version. It includes photos from Ukraine and about Ukrainians.

In the list — the defender's farewell to his beloved at the railway station in Lvov, Zelensky's meeting with advisers in a bomb shelter, the training of an American military medic for civilians, weaving a camouflage net for the military, monitoring the enemy on the front line and the life of our refugees who live on the ship.

- The Swiss artist Gerri Hofstetter is conducting the Light Art Tour today.

- #occupants' losses as of December 25

+ 620 dead of the RF Armed Forces over the past day:

Chief of Intelligence - Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence of the 12th brigade Shvalev Evgeniy

Senior Lieutenant Nikolai Tyukpeev

Lieutenant Saidul Kurbanov

- I really congratulated you: Trump in his Christmas greeting called Biden mentally retarded, and the Democrats — radical leftist Marxists.

The former president also congratulated the US Department of Justice, calling it the "Ministry of Injustice".

- The court drunkard of the Kremlin Medvedev ziguet directly in the government "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" article titled "Our people, our land, our truth."

Differences from the Nazi slogan "One people, one Reich, one Fuhrer" completely insignificant.

- Cocktail "Zelensky" — the drink is just as strong and refreshing, — The Telegraph.

Zelensky's cocktail was invented by the Spetsnaz Club, one of the most secret private clubs in the world. Advertising has never been allowed here before, and photography inside is prohibited, meaning the first public performance of the cocktail has been moved elsewhere in London.

The Spetsnaz Club wants the Zelensky Cocktail to be as popular as possible in order to support Ukraine in the face of Russia's continued brutality.

The composition is simple — Moonshine with spices is mixed with vodka in equal proportions, left to infuse for two weeks, and then served with champagne.

- APU loves to collect achievements

- Mariupol

- In Kazan "buried" 2023 "Opposition of Kazan" held a rally on the street in the city center

- In Moscow, at the children's karate sports tournament, winners aged 10 to 15 were awarded medals from "fragments of NATO ammunition".

- eternal ignition

- Slavyansk is getting ready for the New Year

- ermak: - calmly, be patient. patron: - you still got the keyboard.

- Russians go to Finland for spare parts for their German-made cars. But there is a surprise waiting for them.

- Federal channels showed footage of Sergei Shoigu's "working" trip to Izhevsk. The name of the Japanese lathe DMG CTX ALPHA 300 was sealed with a piece of paper with the inscription "Kalashnikov" using yellow and blue electrical tape. Import substitution is successful — reported in the report.

- Kazan. The woman was not arrested.

- Memes

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