russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for December 12

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
13 December 2022

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- The wives of the dead invaders do not hide their joy

New "Lada" is better, we agree...

- A resident of Chita was fined for retelling a dream with Zelensky on Instagram

Ivan Losev had a dream that he retold on Instagram and was fined 30,000 rubles for it:

"Today I dreamed that I was mobilized, brought to the camp, and there the Armed Forces of Ukraine led by Zelensky. They tied everyone up, they were going to shoot, and at that moment Zelensky walked past me and said:

- "Oh, I saw your stories on insta, Glory to Ukraine!".

- I answer him: "Glory to the Heroes!"

- Zelensky joyfully taps me on the shoulder and says: "So, let him go, shoot everyone else."

What if this dream was erotic?

- What does Z actually mean?

Historians in the future, studying the origin of the symbol Z — which, it seems to us, has suddenly become so popular in Russia, they will find such photos. And it will immediately become clear - not suddenly! Whole generations thoughtfully looked at him!

- A captured occupier was killed by a Ukrainian UAV

Among those who fought as a result of a strike on a military airfield in Ryazan a few days ago, they found the pilot of the Tu-222M3, Major Yevgeny Navlyutov.

This creature bombed supermarkets and residential buildings in Ukraine with rockets..

- A great demand for work as a gravedigger has grown in Russia

There are no losses, but gravediggers are needed. Will they give out shovels? Or like the army of the Russian Federation — toy?

- The occupiers will begin to mobilize women!

"In order to replenish losses in manpower and resupply the units of the 1st Army Corps, women are called upon as part of the mobilization" — says in the summary of the General Staff

Children — your exit is next

- #losses of invaders as of 12/10/2022

+620 dead Russian Armed Forces per day

Lieutenant – Vladislav Bakushin

Sergeant – Vladimir Petrov

Corporal – Daniil Domnikov

- In Germany, they demand to equip bomb shelters against the backdrop of the war in Ukraine, writes Bild (

The creation of new bunkers is necessary because of the threats from Russia.

- Kuleba considers a complete blackout in Ukraine possible, Tagesschau reports ( However, he does not expect Ukrainians to leave the country en masse due to the unstable situation in the winter. Rather, people will choose to winter in rural areas, where there is an opportunity to heat the premises in alternative ways.

- Main – do not lose optimism! Let's rejoice with the author of the post

- Iran carried out the second execution of a protester, writes ( 12-12/) Reuters.

Majid Reza Rahnaward was publicly hanged this morning in the holy Shiite city of Mashahd, he was sentenced to death for "waging war against God." The security forces called Rakhnavard's family at 7 am and said that they had executed their child and buried him in one of the cemeteries.

- Slovakia is ready to transfer MiG-29 fighter jets to Ukraine, said ( the country's Foreign Minister Rastislav Katcher. Preparations for this may begin in the near future.last weeks.

“We have not handed over the MiG-29 to you yet, but we are ready to do it. We are talking with our partners in NATO about how to do it, – he noted.

- Russia is using old Ukrainian missiles against Ukraine, writes ( New York Times. In particular, we are talking about rockets.

X-55. These missiles were handed over to Russia under the Budapest Memorandum.

- Bunker grandfather for the first time in 10 years abandoned the traditional press conference at the end of the year. The event was held every year in December – since 2012.

It's just that everything is going according to plan and there's nothing left to say.

- Russia continues to produce high-precision missiles, writes the New York Times ( About 40 of them can be produced per month. While many believe that Russia's stocks of modern missiles are running out, Russian arms factories continue to produce. Russia was able to manufacture 240 Kh-101 cruise missiles and about 120 Caliber sea-launched cruise missiles. since the beginning of a full-scale war against Ukraine.

- Oil price restrictions have finally hit Russia's revenues, reports ( europe-s-oil-embargo) Bloomberg. Russia lost the sales market by more than 1.5 million barrels per day, presumably by the end of the year, sales will decrease by another 500 thousand barrels per day.

- If Putin dies, then the war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine will end, Vladimir Zelensky said in a special issue of the Netflix show

“An authoritarian regime is scary because there is a big risk. But not everything can depend on one person. Therefore, when such a person dies, all institutions stop,” — the president thinks.

- Poland and Germany in the coming days will begin work on the deployment of German Patriot anti-aircraft missile systems on the border with Ukraine. This was stated ( by Polish President Duda after a meeting with German President Steinmeier.

- Crimea can be liberated as early as August, General Ben Hodges, ex-commander of US troops in Europe, believes. The Armed Forces of Ukraine will strike at the headquarters of the Russian Federation in the occupied territories until February. This will create conditions for the operation to liberate the Crimea.

- Putin is afraid of death and loves life, therefore he is not ready to use nuclear weapons in the war against Ukraine, President Volodymyr Zelensky said in a special episode of the Netflix show.

“He loves this life very much. He even sits at a long table, afraid of getting sick with covid or something else. This suggests that he is afraid of death. I'm not sure he's ready to use nuclear weapons.

- Russia complains about "aggressive behavior" Ukrainian military, writes ( Newsweek.

The publication refers to the words of Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation Sergei Vershinin, who told reporters after a meeting with Turkish officials in Istanbul that Ukraine and the United States are trying to disrupt possible peace talks:

"We tried to provide Turkey with detailed information about the real situation on the ground, emphasizing the total aggressive behavior of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and their attacks on civilians in the Donbass and other regions of Russia", – Vershinin said.

- In Skadovsk, Kherson region, unknown people blew up ( the car of Viktor Bulyuk, Sosaldo's deputy. Gauleiter, unfortunately, survived, but the hospitallyzed in a state of moderate severity.

We wish him a speedy zakobzonization.

- Britain is open to providing Ukraine with longer-range weapons, reports Sky News ( -as-kyiv-says-russia-launched-1-000-strikes-on-power-grid-12541713).

British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace says he will be open about supplying Ukraine with longer-range weapons systems if Russia continues shelling civilian areas

- Russia is using 40-year-old ammunition, reports ( says-2022-12-12/) Reuters.

For almost 10 months of the invasion of Ukraine, the Russian Federation has significantly used up ammunition. Experts have calculated that by the beginning of 2023 Russia will have completely used up serviceable ammunition if it does not resort to the help of foreign suppliers.

- Already good thoughts have begun to appear

- Meanwhile in Yekaterinburg...

- Diablo 4 will not be for Russians and Belarusians

- Dedicated to the Russian opposition

- Probably something happened after all or everything is going according to plan

- The Ministry of Internal Affairs put the co-founder of the St. Petersburg art group "Party of the Dead" on the wanted list. Examples of their promotions

- And the Serbs — neither sleep nor spirit that the Russian Federation was going to join them

- Milonov about the departed Russians

- Nothing happened in Klintsy

- "I only learned Russian to interrogate prisoners"

- This is what the Russian-bombed drama theater in Mariupol looks like today. They covered it with a cloth so that it was clear that everything was in order. A typical solution to the problems of the invaders.

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