A selection of videos of damaged equipment of the Russian Federation in Ukraine. Part 144

22 February 2023
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A selection of videos in which the Ukrainian Armed Forces, individual detachments and international legions bomb the occupiers and are punished every day. In this collection we will show you videos found on the Internet.

Ukrainians before being sent to the front

He will die not from a bullet, but from pneumonia in the trenches

Destroying orc equipment

Destruction of the 8th separate motorized infantry battalion of the Orc infantry fighting vehicle by soldiers

Destroyed house with orcs

Stubborn occupiers still persistently search for mines and find them and receive artillery strikes as a bonus

We teach the next occupiers the fast flight program

Brave Muscovites are ready to give their lives for Putin and his palaces

Cleaning up Russian positions

Excalibur, Russian tank attack

A tank of the 30th OMBR destroys a camouflaged position of a Russian ATGM

T90 tank which has no analogue

The equipment will not pass

Ugledar, everyone won’t calm down

Ukraine will receive special cars from the USA

The new aid package that Joe Biden announced yesterday included (https://defence-ua.com/news/novij_paket_dopomogi_vid_ssha_na_460_mln_zi_spetsialnimi_bradlay_vognevoji_pidtrimki_radarami_ta_bojepripasi_dlja_himars-10705.html) special M7 Bradley BFIST - quite rare infantry fighting vehicles even for US Army compared to all other versions this fighting machine.

There is information that only 55 units were produced. These Bradleys are designed for long-range, precision fire.

Ukrainian infantry fighting vehicles support the counterattack and give the Wagners a good roasting, Bakhmut

Ukrainian tank crews shoot at Orc trenches

Ukrainian dots-U are working

A Ukrainian soldier in a trench shoots at a Russian soldier approaching his position

The Ukrainians are throwing a lot of guns at them from the Ukrainian BTR-4 during the battles in Bakhmut

Orc Adventure Mission Impossible

The work of a medic at the front is important

The guys work on the positions of the Russians around the clock. All in order to liberate our land and drive out the occupier

Private Mavic rescued

With respect from the 204th reconnaissance battalion for Muscovites who care about their health

We burn the armored vehicles of the occupiers

MTR showed a little of their work

Firing from a KBA 117 grenade launcher is corrected by a drone

Stunga turns another Orc tank into a torch

The Su-24 on which Prigozhin flew is unlikely to fly

The video shows the same damaged SU-24 of the Wagner PMC that Prigozhin had previously flown. Unfortunately, the crew made it to the airfield and landed the burning plane instead of turning into ashes.

T72 updated and ready to go

Rearranging the furniture for the orcs

The orcs have fewer and fewer floating assets

Setting up a smoke screen by Abrams - according to the description so far during exercises in Poland

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