russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for October 19

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
20 October 2022

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. Armed Forces fight back the enemy

Photo: Daily life disrupted as Kyiv comes under attack again

- Again, Bandera are to blame, already cigarettes are poisoning

Well, if without jokes, then such cigarettes are sold in St. Petersburg for 70 rubles

Coffee with the taste of mobilization + ZV cigarettes that kill (the perfect combination).

- Fathers of many children will still fight

A draft law was recently submitted to the State Duma prohibiting the sending of fathers with three children to the NWO zone.

The law was not adopted - the deputies of United Russia, and these are 317 people, simply did not vote.

The deputies have a reservation, and you, fight ...

- Berdyansk collaborators are upset that the inhabitants of Ukrainian Berdyansk rejoice at the shelling of the invaders in the temporarily occupied territory

There will be more and what kind of lights, when your heels will sparkle from there, invaders ...

- Tver "chmobik" is preparing for the final battle with alcoholism

- Another batch of Z-patriots who did not fulfill the goals of the special operation

- Russian commanders do business on "special operations". If a soldier does not want to be on the front line, he must pay and he will be taken to the rear.

Such a military business is most common in hot sectors of the front, where units of the Russian army suffer losses and every hour of being in a trench can be the last. For example, in the Bakhmut area, Russian officers ask for 5,000 rubles a day for such a service.

- The answer from our sky to the invaders

- In OK "Sever" showed the downed rockets of Rashists

- One hundred thousand dollars on legs were seen in the Donetsk region, some sources wrote

But later information appeared that the terrorist Girkin was in the Rostov region. The location where the photo was taken is identical to 47°17'46.9"N 39°15'28.7"E on the map. There is a gas station nearby in this area.

Russians, there is an opportunity to hand it over to our intelligence and earn 100 thousand dollars - do not miss your chance!

- What will Putin's "martial law" lead to?

Obviously, they will force the locals to take up arms and send them to the front. Take care of yourself, Ukrainians who are now under occupation...

Also, in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, the bunker leader introduced "territorial defense"

The country has a special regime for entry and exit to the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as restriction of freedom of movement in the following subjects: Crimea, Sevastopol, Krasnodar Territory, Belgorod, Bryansk, Voronezh, Kursk, Rostov regions

- What can change the military situation in the declared territories?

Carrying out full mobilization;


A special regime for entry and exit from the territory, the operation of critical infrastructure and dangerous facilities, where martial law has been introduced.

Limitation of the sale of weapons, dangerous substances, drugs, medicines and alcohol, their temporary withdrawal from citizens;

For example, in pharmacies, vital drugs may disappear, since there will be a very large need for them at the front.

Seizure of private property with subsequent compensation

Expulsion of aliens

Control of telephone conversations

And this is not a complete list...

The Russians fell into a trap

With his decision to impose martial law on the occupied territories of Ukraine, Putin has closed the trap for the Russians. Understanding:

So, partial martial law was introduced in Donetskoh, Kherson, Zaporozhye, Lugansk regions. State of emergency declared in the Crimea, Sevastopol, Krasnodar Territory, Belgorod, Bryansk, Voronezh, Kursk, Rostov regions. Similar, but slightly lighter special regimes will be in all regions of the Central and Southern Districts, including Moscow.

What does all of this mean? First of all - mobilization will not only not stop, it will become larger! In territories where the state of emergency and “light special regimes” have been introduced, mobilization will continue. And where martial law has been introduced, they will mobilize everyone indiscriminately. Everyone! By the way, Russians, do you understand that all Ukrainian men mobilized by Russia will kill whom? That's right - the invaders who have been killing us for 8 months! Zaporozhye and Kherson regions are not the DPR and LPR for you. They are not brainwashed by your propaganda, thank God!

And here it becomes clear why the invaders started yelling about the evacuation from the Kherson region the day before martial law was declared. They want to lure and mobilize all Kherson residents. In addition, martial law will allow the Russians to break into houses, take property and jail anyone who violates the curfew. Special martial law rules will apply. We wrote about them above.

"High alert mode" is the same as martial law (with the exception of the restriction of freedom of movement and the forced eviction of people). And this means that the whole of Russia is drawn into the war. But quite recently, both Putin and Peskov, foaming at the mouth, argued that there would be no martial law.

- #loss of invaders as of 10/19/2022

+430 dead RF Armed Forces:

Lieutenant Colonel Renat Gaisin

Captain Alexander Kashirskikh

Captain Gennady Vasiliev

- As of 15:00, the air defense forces eliminated 12 air targets.

- Despite the situation in the country, there will be a heating season in the capital. It will start from tomorrow in the capital.

- In the coming days, rolling power outages are possible in various regions of Ukraine. About 40% of the total energy infrastructure of Ukraine has already been damaged due to Russian shelling.

Therefore, we stock up on water, food, charge power banks.

- German President Steinmeier canceled a visit to Kyiv, which was scheduled for tomorrow, for security reasons - Bild.

- Ukrainians when always

- Russian companies began to receive up to 40% of defective chips from China, until March there were about 2% of such supplies

Just won, they said

- Mobilized from Transbaikalia sent home because of alcoholism

Not a day without life hacks on the slope

- And what happened

- Russian channels proudly demonstrate the scale of the new defensive lines prepared by Wagner in the occupied Donbas.

They didn't seem to notice that this seemed to be related to defending positions until February 24th.

Apparently not in the north of the Lugansk region, a regrouping is being prepared

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