A selection of videos with prisoners and killed in Ukraine. Issue 67

Category: Prisoners, PEGI 18
9 February 2023
The post contains material for an audience over 18 years of age. Please make sure that you really want to see this and that you are over 18 years old.

A selection of videos in which the Ukrainian Armed Forces, individual detachments and international legions catch or kill invaders. In this collection we will show you videos found on the Internet. Not recommended for viewing by faint of heart people.

Avatar is no longer the same

Magic disappearance of occupiers?

11 Bashkirs returned to Bashkorostan from the “North Military District” zone. However, there is a nuance

An HIV-infected Wagnerian was captured

“I was imprisoned for robbery, they gave me 2 years, I served 9 months, Prigozhin came and took me to fight, and after six months he promised pardon,” says a captive mobik

The demobilization occurred a little earlier and did not go home

The "Asvabats" finished the war

The style icon was captured

Fashionable mobik with yellow socks - a new trend of the season for occupiers

We shoot prisoners - a Pskov occupier who was captured

Such an order came from above to the occupiers so that they would not take prisoners of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, but would immediately shoot them. Geneva Convention, have you heard of this, non-humans?

The occupiers hacked to death their own commander with an ax

In the vicinity of Bakhmut, the Wagnerites tried to advance, but their commander was wounded. Then his colleagues carried their commander behind the barn and... hacked him to death with an ax.

The video was shot by drone by Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers. There is an assumption that the rank and file do not have particularly tender feelings for their command, and this is great news.

Another child in the ranks of the Russian Armed Forces

A boy born in 2002 was captured and told about Bucha, how his colleagues shot civilians

Where does he want the machine gun?

Captured conscripts from the 155th Marine Brigade, which “entered” Ugledar

A captive mobik talks about the behavior of the command

The funniest thing in this situation is that the commander is 24 years old and just graduated from military school.

Where have the stately and mature commanders gone? Isn’t it really 200?

I came, I saw and I received my sight

Semenkov Ivan from Kamchatka served in the space forces, since 2013 he has served in non-combat units that monitor warships.

Then he was sent to war in Ukraine due to a lack of personnel. Its unit was stationed in Volnovakha. And there the occupier already had an epiphany - seeing the ghost town, Anton wondered what and who they had come there to liberate

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