A selection of videos of rocket attacks, shelling in Ukraine. Release 95

22 February 2023

Constant shelling and missile attacks that occur in Ukraine. In this collection we will show you videos found on the Internet.

Kamikaze drone shot down near Dnieper

Shot down a rocket

Night in Kharkov and hunting for drones Shahed

Institute of Scientific Instruments in Moscow invented fire

Something happened in the Belgorod People's Republic

In the Belgorod region, locals went to destroy a drone, but it took off right in front of them

Untranslatable dialect

It was terribly alarming in the BNR at night

This is how the creatures are shot on the right bank of Kherson from analoguenet

Imagine the precision of this analog artillery - pipes on wheels. They give Kherson residents nightmares and do not allow them to live.

At the Kresol chemical plant in Ufa, apparently there was something chemical

The DPR prosecutor's office smoked in Donetsk

Rashists hit a public transport stop in Kherson, there are dead and wounded

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