A selection of videos of damaged equipment of the russian federation in Ukraine. Release 98

28 October 2022
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A selection of videos in which the Ukrainian Armed Forces, individual detachments and international legions bomb the occupiers and are punished every day. In this collection we will show you videos found on the Internet.


HIMARS will correct Ukrainian sharks

The domestic Shark drone can go deep behind enemy lines up to 60 km and conduct surveillance at a distance of up to 5 km from the drone to the object.

Excalibur flew. A couple of dead orcs in the South

93rd Brigade Chlodny Yar, artillery attack

VAB hit a mine

New York, setting

And what is there, right, is a target for artillery. Destroyed BMP

Bakhmut, furnishings

Bakhmut, the enemy conducted reconnaissance in force

Artillery of the 93rd brigade strikes Russian positions in Soledar (Bakhmut region) Donetsk region

Tourists are always hanging around here, we need to fix it

Lucky Ukrainian Armed Forces fighter

I thought I was hiding, but no. We're right here. Slobozhanshchina

Capture of Orc armored personnel carrier with crew

I thought I was hiding, but no. Sau Peony

And the wind and deviations were taken into account, dumped on the tank

Billed as a meeting between T80 trunk and nlaw

What an abandoned position on the bridge over the Koshevaya River looks like now. Kherson, Silikatka

There are all sorts of idiots lying here in the Bakhmutsky direction

Powerful and scary

In the Kherson region, aerial reconnaissance operators of the 59 motorized infantry brigade of the ZSU sent the occupiers to hell

Situation Bakhmut October 26

Nevskoe Lugansk region, to the collection

Stopped the enemy's advance

Situation at the front

Report of commander Blackvil, Stugna Kherson region

The father was killed, the children were left alone, volunteers are trying to persuade them to evacuate. Torskoe

More videos with drones

Prigozhin asked for a salary. Bakhmut direction

We ended up in the orcs' house

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