A vinaigrette of historical footage from past years. Issue 139

Funny photographs, interesting events and people who made history - all this is in the new selection.

Street cats are waiting for the fishermen to return. Greece, 1970s

Claudia Cardinale is a famous Italian actress, sex symbol of the 1960s.

The Chinese celebrate the successful testing of the first atomic bomb, 1964.

The largest pike was caught in Lake Ilmen in 1930.

1933 Rolls Royce II Alpine Tourer.

A rare photo of North Korean leader Kim Il Sung, where a tumor on his neck is visible. Photographers were prohibited from photographing the right side of his face, late 1980s.

"Men didn't pay attention to me when I was thin!" Advertising for a fattening product, USA, 1950s.

The world's first cordless telephone, 1919

British actress and model Madeleine Smith, 1970.

The first black actress to win an Oscar - Hattie McDaniel. 1940

Famous model, Christy Turlington, 1987.

The Turks performed a “loop” for the first time on a Blackhawk helicopter. 1983

Bulletproof vest from Guy Brewster, 1917.

What should a Soviet person do when meeting a bear? Of course, hug. On the icebreaker "Arktika", 1975.

Cophie Lauren, 1966.

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