HARD!!! BMW and Honda racing in Kyiv (35 photos) + Update

Category: Car crashes, PEGI 16
13 April 2010

One person died, a bus and a Daewoo overturned in an underground passage.

This terrible accident occurred on 04/10/10 at 18.00 in Kyiv on Pobedy Avenue, 17-19. As eyewitnesses of the incident told the motostringer of “Druha Smuha”, drivers in two BMW-328i cars and a Honda Civic Type R started racing on Peremohy Avenue. Apparently, during a high-speed spurt with checkered lane changes, the driver of a BMW (born 1989) hit a Honda Civic Type R (driver born 1986), slamming it into the bump stop, after which the “Bavarian” abruptly changed its trajectory and was at full speed crashed into a Volkswagen minibus that was disembarking passengers. The powerful impact caused the BMW to turn almost 180 degrees and it stopped at a stop, and the bus flew forward several meters and overturned, kicking a parked Daewoo Matiz into an underground pedestrian crossing!!! Fortunately, there was no one there was not injured. The Honda Civic Type R stopped in the left lane approximately 100 meters from the BMW...

As a result of the accident, the driver of the BMW died on the spot, a female passenger (born 1989) of the BMW and seven passengers from the minibus were also seriously injured...

According to eyewitnesses, a BMW 328i and a Honda Civic were racing side by side at high speeds (about 200 km/h) towards the Vozdukhoflotsky Bridge. Witnesses say that the BMW tried to overtake the Honda, but one of the drivers lost control, the cars hit each other and scattered in different directions.

After the collision, the Honda car hit an obstacle (wheel strip), and the BMW car hit a VOLKSWAGEN-LT 35 minibus, which stopped at a public transport stop to disembark and pick up passengers and, in turn, hit a parked Daewoo Matiz car and overturned.

As a result of the powerful impact, the Daewoo car was thrown onto the right sidewalk in the direction of travel, where it drove into an underground pedestrian crossing. Fortunately, there were no people in the underground passage or at the public transport stop.

As a result of the accident, the driver of the BMW car died from his injuries at the scene, the girl who was in the car with the deceased was in intensive care. As of April 11, she was in a coma. Seven passengers of the Volkswagen minibus with injuries were hospitalized in Kyiv hospitals, most of them had moderate injuries.

As it turned out, Yura was traveling with a girl (Quote: “... Anyuta is in bad condition.. very bad (I don’t even know what to say

no eyes... no jaw.. no forehead.. no nose.. big problems with the organs.. in a coma.. Even if he survives, it’s not a fact that he will be the same as before.. But why lie.. he won’t like before!!..."


No one has been charged in Saturday's accident yet.

Marina Makarenko, press officer of the Shevchenkivskyi District Department of Internal Affairs, reported that a criminal case has been opened under Art. 286 part 2 of the Criminal Code – violation of road safety rules resulting in the death of a person. So far, the case has been opened based on the fact; no one has been specifically accused. All drivers were sober at the time of the accident. If, after studying the diagrams drawn up by the traffic police, witness statements and auto examinations, it turns out that the deceased caused the accident, then the case will be closed due to the death of the culprit. Unless, of course, the cumulative guilt of the Honda driver is proven.

Brief information about the culprit of the accident:

BMW, license plate AA5920IC, body color - gray, driver - Gubsky Yuri

Student at the Kyiv Humanitarian Institute, Faculty of International Relations.

The story of one of the eyewitnesses

Photo of the guy:

Photo of the girl:

Honda driver and his girlfriend:

Additional Information:

New information from May 8:

“Guys, for the last few days Anyuta has been balancing between coma and consciousness.

More than a day ago, Anyuta came out of a coma and did not fall back. I really hope that the coma is left behind!

Anyuta’s condition remains extremely serious; she is still on a ventilator and is in intensive care. The doctors medicate her into sleep, because when she wakes up her blood pressure rises greatly, and they still don’t say anything until she is fully conscious.

There are very good neurosurgeons working with Anya, we will believe that everything will fall into place and in the near future her health will be completely restored!”

11 April 2011
Люди вы чё вообще дыбилы или как! бля каждый в своей жизни делает ошибки!!! и никто не дал вам тут право оскорблять людей которых вы даже не знали!
Это ужасно, вы просто опустились ниже плинтуса, так оскорблять человека которого нет уже в живых уже как год!
Никто не имеет права осуждать человека! Вы не Бог и не судья!
это не ваше! Лучше бы следили за своими ошибками и поступками! на то и есть ошибки свои и других что бы на них учиться!!!
16 June 2011
ппц, еле осилил всё..
странный народ у нас, но против менталитета не попрёшь.
не понятно зачем гнать матом.
не понятно зачем гнать 200 если нет опыта
не понятно зачем гнать на покойника
не понятно зачем вобще гнать, как некотрые аффтары, жуть просто.

ехать 200 по городу нельзя, спору нет. а вдруг обстоятельства требуют быть в другом конце города через 15 минут или произойдёт нечто ещё более ужасная, чем твоя смерть? например смерть близких, или смерть большого кол-ва невинных людей. всяко в жизни бывает...

могу порекомендовать как избежать подобного на таких скоростях. самое главное - вы не должны ни в коем случае мешать другим участникам движения, подрезать, подпирать, сгонять с левой полосы и т.д., люди, которым вы мешаете вести машину таким вот образом, хоть они едут 60, хоть 120, не все уравновешенные психически, далеко не у всех за плечами много стажа вождения. ты его напугал подрезав - и он с перепугу допустил ошибку, и даже на 60 последствия могут быть намного печальнее. если научитесь НЕ МЕШАТЬ - то не постигнет вас такая участь и все вокруг останутся целыми. если кто и пострадает в итоге - то только вы, и то не смертельно даже при такой скорости.
ну и конечно же не делать этого просто чтобы доказать кому-то что-то. только в исключительных случаях, когда действительно НАДО. а погоняться с кем-то, или ответить на брошенный тебе вызов надо не в таких местах, спору нет.
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