One person died, a bus and a Daewoo overturned in an underground passage.
This terrible accident occurred on 04/10/10 at 18.00 in Kyiv on Pobedy Avenue, 17-19. As eyewitnesses of the incident told the motostringer of “Druha Smuha”, drivers in two BMW-328i cars and a Honda Civic Type R started racing on Peremohy Avenue. Apparently, during a high-speed spurt with checkered lane changes, the driver of a BMW (born 1989) hit a Honda Civic Type R (driver born 1986), slamming it into the bump stop, after which the “Bavarian” abruptly changed its trajectory and was at full speed crashed into a Volkswagen minibus that was disembarking passengers. The powerful impact caused the BMW to turn almost 180 degrees and it stopped at a stop, and the bus flew forward several meters and overturned, kicking a parked Daewoo Matiz into an underground pedestrian crossing!!! Fortunately, there was no one there was not injured. The Honda Civic Type R stopped in the left lane approximately 100 meters from the BMW...
As a result of the accident, the driver of the BMW died on the spot, a female passenger (born 1989) of the BMW and seven passengers from the minibus were also seriously injured...

According to eyewitnesses, a BMW 328i and a Honda Civic were racing side by side at high speeds (about 200 km/h) towards the Vozdukhoflotsky Bridge. Witnesses say that the BMW tried to overtake the Honda, but one of the drivers lost control, the cars hit each other and scattered in different directions.
After the collision, the Honda car hit an obstacle (wheel strip), and the BMW car hit a VOLKSWAGEN-LT 35 minibus, which stopped at a public transport stop to disembark and pick up passengers and, in turn, hit a parked Daewoo Matiz car and overturned.
As a result of the powerful impact, the Daewoo car was thrown onto the right sidewalk in the direction of travel, where it drove into an underground pedestrian crossing. Fortunately, there were no people in the underground passage or at the public transport stop.
As a result of the accident, the driver of the BMW car died from his injuries at the scene, the girl who was in the car with the deceased was in intensive care. As of April 11, she was in a coma. Seven passengers of the Volkswagen minibus with injuries were hospitalized in Kyiv hospitals, most of them had moderate injuries.

As it turned out, Yura was traveling with a girl (Quote: “... Anyuta is in bad condition.. very bad (I don’t even know what to say
no eyes... no jaw.. no forehead.. no nose.. big problems with the organs.. in a coma.. Even if he survives, it’s not a fact that he will be the same as before.. But why lie.. he won’t like before!!..."
No one has been charged in Saturday's accident yet.
Marina Makarenko, press officer of the Shevchenkivskyi District Department of Internal Affairs, reported that a criminal case has been opened under Art. 286 part 2 of the Criminal Code – violation of road safety rules resulting in the death of a person. So far, the case has been opened based on the fact; no one has been specifically accused. All drivers were sober at the time of the accident. If, after studying the diagrams drawn up by the traffic police, witness statements and auto examinations, it turns out that the deceased caused the accident, then the case will be closed due to the death of the culprit. Unless, of course, the cumulative guilt of the Honda driver is proven.
Brief information about the culprit of the accident:
BMW, license plate AA5920IC, body color - gray, driver - Gubsky Yuri
Student at the Kyiv Humanitarian Institute, Faculty of International Relations.
The story of one of the eyewitnesses
all this happened right before my eyes..
how it was:
The Beemer was flying (Not driving, flying) with a Honda Civic Hatch along the avenue, you could hear them from afar. At some point, the driver of the Bimmer wanted to pass the Honda on the right, but a little miscalculated, he caught its right side, due to the high speed, it flew into a standing minibus at a stop, the minibus flew into a Matiz standing in front, which jumped over the curb (a fairly high curb) into flies straight into the underground passage. The route is leaning on its side. The Beamer flies back a couple of meters from the impact (the stall prevented it from flying further) and stands against the traffic on the sidewalk.
Then everything was in semi-fog.. We ran to the spot - the first look at the minibus (by the way, it wasn’t immediately clear that it was a minibus) the driver stood on his own two feet and the couple did, order, then to the Beemer - everything was immediately clear with the driver, part of the head was missing spoke for itself, there was a girl in the cabin, she was breathing.. We heard cries for help from the minibus (then we realized that it was not just a minibus), attempts to open the emergency exit were not crowned with any success, the door had to be broken down, the doors of four were broken down, There were about 10-12 people in the salon, everyone was moving except for one girl lying unconscious.. We helped everyone to get out, who was crying, who was just in natural shock. A shout was heard from behind, “Let me through, I’m a doctor.” He turned out to be a rather young guy. Putting his finger on her neck, he said “there is a pulse,” thank God, he opened her mouth (so that she wouldn’t swallow her tongue) and kept her motionless until the ambulance arrived. The girl in the Beemer is still breathing, although these sighs are very sharp and deep. Someone wanted to pull her out of the car, but the dark-haired young girl (apparently also a doctor) did not allow her, because... It is better to remain motionless until the ambulance arrives. The girl was moaning.. scared.. someone was holding her hand and saying something.. The dark-haired girl was running providing first aid to the victims. We heard the ambulance siren and had to block the traffic ourselves, because the deer, who were very interested in watching, did not care that an ambulance was trying to break through from the far left. The girl from the Beemer was taken first, the girl from the minibus second. The rest, some less or more injured, moved independently, but many were taken away.
What struck me:
1) behavior of the minibus driver. Do you know what he did when we broke down the back door? He was collecting money around the cabin. The man didn’t even try to open the “emergency exit” and was not at all interested in what happened to the people he was transporting.
2) the indifference of ordinary people. Do 70% of the Witnesses know what they were doing? They filmed everything that was happening on a mobile phone... Without even trying to help anyone in any way, at least in any way...
3) Dark-haired girl. God bless her, because she took everything into her own hands, was the first to help the girl from Beamer without fear of getting covered in blood..
4) Help from ordinary people, two guys completely abandoned their full shopping bags and rushed to help...
The Beemer driver ruined himself due to his stupidity. I really hope that his companion will survive and forget everything like a nightmare. I also hope that everything will be fine with the girl from the minibus.
Most people don’t care; filming on a mobile phone is more interesting.
Photo of the guy:
Photo of the girl:

VKontakte page: vkontakte/id29168748
Honda driver and his girlfriend:
Additional Information:
A student driving a BMW died after ramming three cars in the center of Kyiv
His girlfriend is in intensive care, the driver of the overturned minibus is in shock, the owner of the Daewoo was saved by an accident.
On Saturday at about 6 p.m., a terrible accident occurred on Pobeda Avenue involving three cars and minibus No. 720. A 21-year-old guy died, and his girlfriend and seven passengers on the minibus were taken to the hospital. Most have moderate injuries, but the girl who was sitting next to the deceased is in intensive care. Anya’s face and internal organs were severely damaged, and as of yesterday she was in a coma.

As eyewitnesses say, two cars - a BMW 328i and a Honda Civic - decided to compete at enormous speed (up to 200 km/h!): they drove almost side by side towards the Vozdukhoflotsky Bridge. But one of the drivers clearly lost control, the cars hit each other and scattered in different directions: the Honda went to the left towards the bump stop, and the BMW went to the right, where it collided with a Volkswagen minibus standing at a stop, where passengers were boarding at that time . The impact carried the minibus 10 meters forward, crashed into a parked Daewoo Matiz and turned over on its left side. Fortunately, the driver of the Daewoo jumped out to the kiosk for cigarettes a couple of minutes before the accident, otherwise the consequences for him could have been the most terrible: the car was thrown onto the sidewalk and carried down the stairs into the underground passage! By luck, there was no one there at that moment either.
RACE. The capital's traffic police say that the Ministry of Internal Affairs has opened a criminal case into the accident. “A young man, 20-22 years old, was driving the Honda. The speed is determined by investigators,” says a traffic police source.
The Honda and BMW were roaring along. Were they playing a race?! The blow was terrible!” - Viktor Maslov, a sales consultant from a store next to the bus stop, told us.
The ATP, which services route No. 720 (drives from Boyarka to Pobeda Square), says that the driver is in a state of shock due to the accident, but is physically healthy. Moreover, they don’t understand why the traffic cops took away his license, because he didn’t violate any traffic rules, he was standing at a bus stop. “The minibus itself can no longer be repaired,” they say at the ATP. The traffic police say that they took him away until the circumstances are clarified; this is often done if the accident is serious.
Yura bought a used car with his own money and started driving at the age of 18.
FLYING ON "MANYUNA". “Don’t drive faster than your guardian angel can fly... You will never be first on the road,” is one of the favorite quotes of the deceased driver Yuri Gubsky. He was a fourth-year student at the Kyiv Humanitarian Institute at the Faculty of International Relations. Lived in Akademgorodok. Judging by the information on his pages on the Internet, he treated his BMW with trepidation, calling it “Manyunya” and “Krykhitka.” I bought the car in 2009, but it’s not new, it was made in 1996. Then I tuned it a little. Based on personal data and some photos, we can conclude that the guy was fond of street racing. “I love driving on the road, sports cars, various rallies, I try to take part in them all as much as possible,” Yuri wrote about himself. He seemed to be speeding quite often. “Problem, 6 fines for cameras in a month, I found an alternative - a frame with curtains on the number,” he wrote.
NOT MAJOR. A close friend of the deceased, Alexander, does not deny Yura’s participation in fast and furious clubs: “And there, on the avenue, it was the fault of two. I won’t say whether they were racing, I don’t want to wash dirty linen in public. But before this, Yura had never found himself in such situations, he rode well. He got behind the wheel as soon as he turned 18. He bought the car with his own money (the price of a used 1996 BMW “troika” is $7-9 thousand - Author), his parents are not rich.” Alexander claims that the Honda driver and Yura did not know each other. At morgue No. 1 we were told that Yura’s parents had already identified him; there had been no alcohol testing yet.
Vladimir Ovsienko, Segodnya newspaper
New information from May 8:
“Guys, for the last few days Anyuta has been balancing between coma and consciousness.
More than a day ago, Anyuta came out of a coma and did not fall back. I really hope that the coma is left behind!
Anyuta’s condition remains extremely serious; she is still on a ventilator and is in intensive care. The doctors medicate her into sleep, because when she wakes up her blood pressure rises greatly, and they still don’t say anything until she is fully conscious.
There are very good neurosurgeons working with Anya, we will believe that everything will fall into place and in the near future her health will be completely restored!”