30 beauties of the world from an unusual angle (31 photos)
There are places we immediately recognize, even if we have never been there: the Eiffel Tower, the Great Pyramids of Giza, the Taj Mahal. These are world landmarks that have been captured in millions of photographs. And these images are quite similar, which is perhaps why they are so firmly ingrained in our consciousness. However, sometimes photographers show ingenuity and give us a completely different look at something we have already seen many times.
1. The place where the Great Wall of China ends
2. Mount Fuji from the International Space Station stations
3. Sunset on Mars
4. Cenote with fresh water in Tulum, Mexico
5. This much more interesting painting is located directly opposite the "Mona Lisa"
6. This is what the Himalayas look like from the International Space Station
7. The Great Sphinx has a tail
8. View of Santorini from the sea
9. "The Last Supper" by Leonardo da Vinci
10. Green stone, located in the ancient city Hattusa, Corum, Türkiye
The purpose of the 3,000-year-old stone remains a mystery, but it is believed to have religious origins.
11. The Octagon, headquarters of the Egyptian Ministry of Defense
12. Grotto in an iceberg, photographed during the British Antarctic Expedition on January 5, 1911
13. German Dramatic Theater in Hamburg at 1200 places
Opened September 15, 1900. View from behind the scenes.
14. Prague Astronomical Clock on Old Town Square in Prague, Czech Republic
15. Tokyo Flood Control Collector
The total length is 6.4 km.
16. Everest from the airplane
17. Colors of Iceland
18. Modern basketball court against the backdrop of 700-year-old walls in Dubrovnik, Croatia
19. Inside the chimney of an Irish castle built in the 1100s
20. This is what the Leaning Tower of Pisa looks like from the inside
21. North Korea airport
22. Canada-US border in northern Idaho
23. The White House during reconstruction in 1950s
24. Above the Nuclear Reactor
25. Back of the Statue of Liberty
26. On the Statue's Hand Christ the Redeemer
27. Al Capone's Cell at Eastern State Penitentiary in Pennsylvania
28. A Modern "Light Bulb" in a 150-Year-Old lighthouse
29. Apollo 16 astronaut Charles Duke left a family photo on the moon
30. Behind the baseball scoreboard