16 unexpected things the world has in store to surprise us (16 photos)

27 August 2020

When we discover something unusual, our first impulse is to photograph it and share it with the world. And not everyone is lucky enough to see a blue-eyed horse, an antique glass fire extinguisher, or the northern lights from the International Space Station.

We always take every opportunity to learn something new, and here are 16 photos that have greatly expanded our knowledge.

Vintage fire extinguisher.

Koala hand.

This is what the spine looks like after corrective surgery for scoliosis.

Have you ever seen a blue-eyed horse?

Motorcycle for people in wheelchairs.

Here's how you can grow a square apple.

A huge piece of petrified wood.

Clay model of the future car, scale 1:1.

This street is so narrow that a single line is enough for a pedestrian crossing.

This is a wheelchair that can be used on the beach.

2 sides of the same eucalyptus tree on a golf course in California.

This clock tells you what day it is.

This is what the Northern Lights look like from the International Space Station.

Saudi Arabia at night from the International Space Station.

The chocolate sauce melts inside the ice cube.

Tree shadow during an eclipse.

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