Meowgnats of the animal world: 20 cats that nature has gifted doubly (21 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
22 March 2025

What could be more luxurious than a mustache? Only double mustaches! These cats, who in addition to the usual whiskers, were gifted by nature with an interesting color, seem to be preparing for a social party or a retro evening in the style of gentlemen.

The color of their muzzles is so unique that it seems as if they glued the mustache right on top of their usual ones. These stylish fluffies know how to present their peculiarity so well that they could easily advertise lipstick for mustaches.

1. I'm shocked myself

2. Self-esteem - that's what it is

3. Real Georgian

4.Sir, I am a gentleman, and you?

5. Fashionable bow shape

6. Stylish accent

7. Mister not in spirit

8. In the image

9. A cat in whom everything is beautiful

10. My baa-baa-baa

11. And a beard too

12. Nature did her best

13. Trendy asymmetry

14. Nature's jokes

15. Concentrated cuteness

16. Not too many mustaches happens

17. Gentleman on a walk

18. All in anticipation

19. Future dandy

20. The aesthete who was caught off guard

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