25 unique photographs with amazing creatures of nature and creations of human hands (27 photos)
Today's collection of photos contains so many interesting things that you are guaranteed to have a great mood while viewing them! In addition, you will discover many new and unusual things.
This beautiful golden bee is not from a fairy tale. It is called Cordovan. It was bred by American breeders
This unusual snail has a completely transparent shell
Another beauty of the bee family of an unusual blue color - Xylocopa caerulea. It is called a carpenter bee or a tree nest bee
Sand grains from Hawaiian beaches look incredibly beautiful when magnified a hundred to three hundred times!
The picturesque forests of Amazonia, spread out in the Amazon River basin, are home to beautiful butterflies with transparent wings
An interesting photo of a cat, in whose eyes - Sauron
A horse in a curly coat: this ancient breed is called the Bashkir curly
A photo of the unique Baikal Zena
This unique phenomenon can be observed on Lake Baikal in winter. In sunny weather, the stones on the frozen lake heat up and melt the ice underneath them. And at night the ice hardens, and a kind of "stand" for the stone is created.
These creatures in the picture look like leaves with small heads and horns. In fact, it is a sea slug, capable of living for nine months without food thanks to photosynthesis
This unusual lobster is divided strictly into two colors. It is unique: there is only one such lobster in fifty million individuals
It turns out that among the representatives of the fauna on our planet there is such a unique phenomenon as gynandromorphy. This means that this creature is physiologically half female and half male. In this lobster pictured, the male side is brown and the female side is blue.
This is the unusual way zoo workers feed a chick of a two-horned hornbill, which is commonly called a hornbill
There is a very rare species of pink and lilac grasshoppers in nature
The unusual coloring of such grasshoppers is explained by a genetic mutation called erythrism, in which the pigmentation of the skin changes towards pinkish shades.
A fabulously beautiful albino peacock
Photo of a very rare serval (bush cat) with pronounced melanism
This is what the typewriter looked like, with the help of which notes for melodies
A photo of the unique Murchison meteorite, which is 4,600,000,000 years old. Scientists believe that it existed even before our planet was just forming
Interestingly, it contains amino acids, which are the chemical building blocks of DNA.
These vests — Baby Vest — were supplied to children's hospitals for the evacuation of infants in case of danger. One vest could hold 6 babies
A fin whale spine, also known as a minke whale, was discovered near Kongsfjord in Norway
Despite the snow, tulips are blooming!
Photo of Javanese blue bananas, the consistency and taste of which are similar to vanilla ice cream
This is the luxurious wool of the Australian Merino sheep
The incredible beauty of a two-color sunflower
In this picture you can see the largest single-celled organism on our planet - Valonia pubescens. It is also called the bubble alga
This unique butterfly is a bilateral gynandromorph - half female and half male
The shin of cyclist Janez Brajkovic, who is a former champion, looks creepy after another race peace