A Chinese woman was awarded payments for household chores five times more than she asked for (5 photos)
A Chinese woman demanded 50,000 yuan from her husband in a divorce for all the housework she did while they were married. To be honest, considering that they were married for 11 years, it's a pretty modest request for "all the work."
It turns out that for a year of marriage she asked for only 500 dollars, 40 dollars for a month of work!
The court thought so too... and the judge himself decided not only to satisfy the demands, but also to give her five times more than 250,000 yuan.
A typical divorce of an ordinary Chinese family
A woman surnamed Hu married a man surnamed Wang in Zhengzhou in 2011. That same year, they had a daughter. However, they argued a lot throughout their marriage, especially about what kind of education the child should receive.
Finally, in October 2022, the couple finally fell out, and the woman left for her parents and never returned. After a few years, she realized that nothing could be fixed, and filed for divorce in her district court.
In the provinces, Chinese are still very patriarchal, believing that women are made for the home and men are not
The woman told the court that she had been cleaning and washing for the family for years. Along with demanding custody of her daughter and dividing their collective property, the woman also demanded that Wang pay her 50,000 yuan in compensation for doing housework while they were living together. Her financial demand was based on the amount of housework she had to do while living with her husband.
Hu quit her job to devote herself to her family because her husband refused to do any housework at all. As a result, she believes that her contributions deserve recognition and compensation.
The problem is that at some point, work began to give women more love and respect than starting a family?
In March, the court finally issued a verdict, leaving the wife with custody of the daughter, alimony, and most importantly, compensation for years of housework - 28 thousand dollars.
Is this normal in China?
The judge's assistant said that the man was extremely surprised by the payment for housework.
"We told him that housework is intangible, but that doesn't mean it's useless. Housework should be shared between the couple," the assistant said.
The court in China is like any other court in the world, except for the decorations
China's civil code stipulates that one party to a couple who shares greater responsibility for caring for children and elderly family members or doing other household chores has the right to seek compensation from the other party in a divorce.
The ruling sparked a lively debate on social media in China, with many Chinese wholeheartedly supporting the court.
"Nowadays, many women choose to work rather than sit at home and work all day for their family for free, because going to work is much easier and you get social status," - they wrote in the comments.
Many Chinese women find it difficult to pay bills after a divorce and they organize co-living with other mothers to take turns looking after the children
It sounds quite logical, how else to entice Chinese women into marriage, especially if the Chinese are in no hurry to work half the housework so that the girls can build a career?
Even if the relationship between the couple ultimately did not work out, the efforts invested and the loss of career growth should be at least somewhat compensated.
Do you think such court decisions are a plus or a minus for China's demographics?