Dad's wardrobe (33 photos)

Yesterday, 21:37

In its original form, clerical clothing appeared in the 6th century. At that time, such clothing for the clergy was necessary simply so that priests could be distinguished from other people. And the modern clothing of Catholic priests, as well as the most important Catholic in the world - the Pope - was formed by the 17th century. The first clothing of the Popes differed from the clothing of the rest of the clergy and even secular people. After all, the Pope is the head of the Holy See.

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1. Tiara

A three-tiered crown topped with a small cross and having two drooping ribbons, worn by Popes from the early 14th century to 1965.

2. Camauro

A red hat, the Pope's winter headdress. Initially, camauro were made of camel wool, now they can be velvet. The hat is trimmed with white ermine. The tradition of wearing camauro was restored by Benedict XVI.

3. Pileolus (zucchetto)

A white priest's cap, the traditional headdress of the clergy of the Roman Catholic and Anglican churches. It arose from the need to keep the tonsure of the clergy warm.

4. Cappello Romano (Saturno)

Literally - "Roman hat" - a round headdress with wide brims, which is worn by the Catholic clergy. The hat has no ceremonial significance and performs utilitarian functions. The second name - Saturno - the headdress received due to its external resemblance to the planet Saturn.

5, 6. Miter (infula)

Headdress of the highest Catholic clergy, a necessary element of liturgical vestments. In the Latin rite there are three types of mitres - simple (white mitre without decorations), gold (mitre made of gold-colored material or white silk with gold, silver or colored embroidery) and luxurious (mitre decorated with gold embroidery and precious stones).

7. Coat of Arms of the Papal Throne

The crossed keys symbolically represent the keys of Simon Peter. The keys are gold and silver, representing the power to bind (silver) and loose (gold) given to the Church. The triple crown (tiara) represents the three functions of the Pope as "supreme shepherd", "supreme teacher" and "high priest".

8. Fisherman's Ring

The papal ring, intended to remind that the pontiff is the successor of the apostle Peter, who was a fisherman. It depicts the apostle himself. After the death of the pope, the ring is destroyed by the Camerlengo. The ring is flattened with a hammer and then melted.

9. Red Cloak

Traditional outerwear of the Pope and cardinals, which has no liturgical significance. Cloaks of the Catholic clergy are made of lightweight wool.

10. Dzimarra

A type of cassock, the main everyday vestment of Catholic bishops with a cape sewn onto the shoulders. The Pope's is white.

11. Mozzetta

An element of the church vestments of the Catholic and Anglican clergy, a short cape, which previously had a small hood at the back, abolished by Paul VI. Popes wear two varieties of mozzetta - satin scarlet and velvet dark red, trimmed with ermine.

12. Alba

A long white liturgical garment of the Catholic and Lutheran clergy, belted with a rope. It is obligatory for a priest to wear it when performing the liturgy. The alba is made of thin linen, cotton or woolen fabric. This garment comes from an ancient Roman long shirt that was worn under a tunic.

13. Cassock

The outer garment of the Catholic clergy with long sleeves, worn outside of worship. The cassock has a standing collar, reaches to the heels, and is fastened with a row of buttons. The Pope's is white.

14. Fashya

A belt, a part of the church vestments of the Catholic clergy. The Pope wears a white moire belt over the cassock or dzimarra.

15. Perfume

Benedict XVI had a personalized cologne, the scent of which was created by Silvana Casoli.

In 2012, Pope Benedict XVI also acquired a personal perfume from Silvana Casoli. "I decided that the scent should combine something clean and light. I thought about the scents that the Pope smells when he prays in the garden," Silvana said. The recipe for this pious composition is kept secret, but it is known that it contains notes of linden, verbena and fresh green grass. By the way, this is not the first time that the Catholic Church has inspired Silvana: there are two fragrances for priests called “Water of Faith” (Acqua della Fede) and “Water of Hope” (Acqua della Speranza).

Silvana Casoli.

16. Papal red shoes

A historical item of clothing, a type of bishop's sandals. These shoes have been red throughout history. Traditionally, the Pope wore red shoes. Since 2003, the official shoemaker of the Popes has been the Italian master Adriano Stefanelli.

Liturgical gloves.

The pope's staffs come in a variety of shapes and forms.

A stola is an element of the liturgical vestments of a Catholic priest. A silk ribbon about 2 meters long with crosses sewn on the ends and in the middle. The color varies depending on the time of the church year.

Pallium - an element of the liturgical vestments of the Pope and metropolitans of the Latin rite of the Catholic Church. It is a narrow ribbon of white sheep's wool with six black, red or purple crosses embroidered on it. The pallium has six dark crosses embroidered on it, three of which have gold pins stuck into them, symbolizing the three nails with which Jesus was crucified.

The traditional workshop for sewing clothes for the Pope is considered to be the Ditta Annibale Gammarelli studio, which has been operating since 1798. Until 1962, Gammarelli production had the exclusive right to sew clothes for the Pope, which was then abolished.

Currently, the Gammarelli workshop is run by hereditary tailor Lorenzo Gammarelli together with two cousins ​​- Massimiliano and Stefano. The workshop employs only nine seamstresses, two secretaries for processing orders, a courier and administrators. As Lorenzo explained, the popes never come to the workshop themselves to order clothes and take measurements: If the pope needs a new cassock, his secretary calls and sets a day when we can come to the Vatican and take measurements. No head of the Catholic Church has ever visited the studio...

As you can see, the Pope's wardrobe is quite extensive...

Finally... These are not clowns, these are the Pope's security. The wardrobe is also the envy of all.

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