12 amazing photos that are somehow even hard to believe (13 photos)
I am showing you photographs whose reality is questionable for a variety of reasons: either the meaning doesn't add up, or the brain breaks down a little from the combination of objects. We assure you that these pictures are real and their essence is definitely not molded through Photoshop or generated by a neural network.
On the Beach, Manhattan, 1977
On the Top Floor of the Leaning towers
The Earth has this part called the Pacific Ocean
Something from "The Matrix"?
No, it's a green traffic light, seen from below.
Sand dunes of the Rub' al Khali desert, Arabian Peninsula
View from space.
Hammerhead shark, side view
The famous photo of the Costa Concordia ship that sank in 2012
Sudden: Alf, view back
This is one single photo
We give you 5 seconds to understand how this happened
28 people stand on a DKW F8 to test the strength of a wooden body, 1932
Woman sweeping New York
This is a 1:1200 scale photo canvas from the 1964 World's Fair.