People showed "behind the scenes" photos of different professions (24 photo)

Category: Creatively, PEGI 0+
Today, 13:12

Each profession is unique in its own way. Each specialist brings something individual to their daily work. At first glance, the activities of some professions may seem ordinary, but if you take a closer look, you can find a lot of interesting things "behind the scenes" of any specialty. And in general, it is interesting to look at the work from a different angle.

Professional set of a school physics teacher

"I work in a zoo with an exotic contingent. There's a Morty sitting on my head - it's a female lemur"

"How my beloved wife and I opened our own food delivery service"

It seems that a new dog can be assembled from this wool. This is what a groomer does

"I am a craftsman, I design and create my own products. This is a watch"

"First day at school as a teacher, not a student. Wish me luck!"

"My little shop of household chemicals and cosmetics"

"I'm a veterinarian. A woman calls: "Can you examine a leopard?" We laughed and said, "Bring it here." And the next day they really brought us a leopard for an ultrasound!"

«Raising farming»

«Working on a Ferris wheel»

«Suddenly someone will be interested in what it looks like bike workshop"

"I'm a biologist, I work with viruses, cell cultures and lab animals. This is my main workplace"

"I work at the zoo, and sweet Jeffrey loves to help us prepare dinner for the animals. He dances and entertains us"

"View from my workplace. And this is, in fact, my beauty!"

"I work as a musher"

View from the tram cabin

"I think I'll raise my rank from jeweler-metalworker to beginner jeweler"

"My name is Tatyana. I did a great job with preparatory work - melting, rolling and drawing wire, making simple rings and basic fittings - so I called myself a "jeweler-metalworker". Weekends are for the soul! I made myself a new workbench. There was a lull in orders, so yesterday and today I did carpentry work."

"A few photos from my workplace. Always happy to help people"

"I work in the Olympic Park as a driver-guide"

"I am an excavator driver"

"I work as a guide. In fact, there is no workplace as such. All the Altai trails are mine work"

"My friend took a photo from the boat she works on in Antarctica"

"I'm a dog handler, and this is my partner Phil"

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