22-Year-Old Prince of Luxembourg Dies of Genetic Disease (6 photos)

Category: Health, PEGI 0+
Today, 13:13

Prince Frederick of Luxembourg was born with a rare mitochondrial disease caused by mutations in the POLG gene. The disease can cause progressive muscle weakness, as well as epilepsy and liver failure. He was only diagnosed at age 14, when the symptoms became more noticeable.

Frederick of Nassau died on March 1 in Paris.

Henri, Grand Duke of Luxembourg, said: “Frédéric knows that he is my superhero, as he is for our entire family and for many good friends and people around the world. His superpower was his ability to inspire and lead by example. Frédéric was the embodiment of joy, optimism and determination. When he was little, I often said that if there was a child I would never have to worry about, it would be him. Frédéric has repeatedly expressed his gratitude for his illness. He was aware that it had brought him into contact with so many wonderful people. We would like to express our sincere gratitude for all the words of support and love that our family has received during this difficult time. With the help of our superhero, we hope that we can overcome our grief and follow his example, remaining strong and steadfast."

"His main message is hope, compassion, and fortitude. We are all very proud of you, Frederick. I am very proud of you. We love you."

During his short life, the prince founded the POLG Foundation, which aims to support research into the disease and those who suffer from it.

Before saying goodbye, Frederick asked his father Robert, Duke Henri's cousin, "Papa, are you proud of me?"

"He had been unable to speak for several days, so the clarity of these words was as surprising as the gravity of the moment was profound. The answer was simple, and he had heard it many times before. He needed confirmation that he had done everything he could in his short and beautiful life, and was now finally ready to move on," the statement added.

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