The most beautiful dog breeds named according to the golden ratio (7 photos)
Although, frankly speaking, the concept of "beautiful" is very subjective. What may be ugly for one, may be the most beautiful thing in the world for another. But there is one "but".
There is such a concept - the principle of the golden section, this is the ratio of parts to the whole, in which the larger part relates to the smaller in the same way as the whole relates to the larger part. Simply put, a manifestation of beauty and symmetry.
So, in the USA they decided to use this principle and find out which breed of dogs best matches the title of "the most beautiful".
The Scottish Cairn Terrier came in first place according to this method, scoring 88.7% of the match with the formula.
The Cairn Terrier, or Cairn Terrier, is one of the oldest breeds among terriers. The breed is known as one of the earliest working dogs in Scotland, it was bred for hunting in cairns - piles of stones - for rabbits and foxes. The height at the withers is about 28-31 cm in proportion to the weight, the ideal weight is 6-7.5 kg.
In second place was the West Highland White Terrier, another Scottish experiment, with 87.5%.
A small but strong dog, with an average height of twenty-eight centimeters (males) and twenty-six centimeters (females), and weighing no more than ten kilograms. A miniature dog with snow-white fur, bred specifically for working with small game.
Next is the Border Collie - 86.7%, the breed was bred on the border of Scotland and England.
Initially created for working with sheep, but later varieties were also identified for guarding cattle. This is a proportionally built, strong and powerful dog.
Height at the withers from 47 to 53 cm, weight from 15 to 20 kg.
And the Rhodesian Ridgeback - 86.0%.
This is a South African breed of dog, originally Ridgebacks took part in hunting, most often in groups of several dogs of the same breed, and with great dexterity pursued the prey, especially the lion (hence the second name of the breed - "lion dog"), stopping it before the hunter arrived.
The height of males at the withers is 63-69 cm, females - 61-66 cm. The weight of males is 36.5-41 kg, females 32-36 kg.
The most asymmetrical were the Shih Tzu, French Bulldog, and Rottweiler.
While the results may cause heated debate among dog lovers, the experts behind the study were quick to remind everyone that beauty is not just about the outside.
And remember, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.