The most cunning head of the HR department was arrested in China (2 photos + 1 video)
Here in China, a seasoned successor to Chichikov's work appeared. Only the role of the dead souls was played not by serfs, but by the company's employees. But overall, the story turned out to be worthy of a Hollywood adaptation.
It's not enough to get a good position, you also have to squeeze the most out of it. That's what the head of the HR department of a large company in Shanghai thought, or something like that. But what to do if the bonuses and salaries are still not enough to cover all your desires? That's right, turn to classic schemes.
In 8 years, he created 22 ideal employees who had impeccable personal records, but they themselves did not exist in nature. But these are small things, the main thing is that they held positions and received a salary.
Naturally, the money went into the pocket of the chief HR officer through fake accounts. The enterprising guy managed to steal 16 million yuan from his company in this way.
And he got caught damn stupidly when someone noticed that no one knew what the employee of the financial department Xiao San looked like. At the same time, he worked for the company for six months, never took sick leave and had impeccable attendance during this entire period, moreover, he even received a promotion.
They decided to conduct an investigation and were shocked by the number of such fake employees. The seasoned HR specialist was arrested and sentenced to 10 years and 2 months in prison for abuse of power and theft.