A real safari: a married couple noticed an elephant and a giraffe in their backyard

Today, 03:33

Deon Geldenbois and Kim Smith live near the game reserve and say they have encountered a lioness, a giraffe, a civet, a porcupine and a huge African elephant in their backyard.

Deon Geldenbois and Kim Smith, who live near Kruger National Park, set up Ring security cameras to capture “unusual visitors.” The results were astounding: They recorded a lioness, a giraffe, a civet, a porcupine and even a huge African elephant that came to snack on branches near their home at night.

“I was just about to go out to the garage when I saw a lioness walking up my driveway,” Geldenbois said.

One of the most memorable moments, he said, was seeing a leopard walking in the moonlight.

While the couple enjoys being close to wildlife, they admit that such visits can sometimes be inconvenient. Elephants, for example, often destroy plants near homes, especially during the dry season.

The footage caught the attention of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). Tanya Smith, senior adviser for Africa at WWF UK, noted that such scenes demonstrate the importance of coexistence between humans and nature.

"These images are not only breathtaking to watch, but also a reminder of the need to protect wild places and find ways to live in harmony with nature," she said.

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