A family found hundreds of rare jewelry in the attic (2 photos)

Yesterday, 18:02

The collection was found in one of two antique lacquered chests traditionally used to store kimonos. Inside was a complete set of dolls and accessories, decorated with patterns of gold lacquer on a black background.

A unique collection of rare Japanese decorations used during the Hinamatsuri festival, also known as Doll Day, was found in a house in Hampshire, UK. The family living in the house had no idea of ​​the value of the discovered items.

The collection was found packed in one of two antique lacquered chests traditionally used to store kimonos. Inside was a complete set of Hinakazari, dolls and accessories believed to have been acquired in East Asia. They are decorated with gold lacquer on a black background and painted with patterns of foliage and stylized flowers.

The set includes a variety of furniture items, including chests, shelves and cabinets, as well as miniature books with calligraphy, paper lanterns, writing desks, a toilet set and even a palanquin with bamboo blinds. Experts estimate that this set dates back to the 19th century, making it especially valuable.

A representative of the auction house Woolley and Wallis said that the collection is preliminarily estimated at £1,000-2,000, but due to its rarity and quality, it could sell for significantly more. The auction will take place on May 21.

The publication notes that Hinamatsuri is a traditional Japanese festival celebrated on March 3. Its history dates back more than 300 years, starting in 1686. During the celebration, dolls are displayed symbolizing the emperor, empress, courtiers and musicians of the Heian period. More complex displays include up to fifteen dolls placed on multi-tiered stands covered with red carpet.

Alexandra Aguilar of Woolley and Wallis stressed that the discovery of this set was a real sensation.

"It is especially valuable not only because of its high quality, but also because it includes hundreds of miniature objects - a real rarity for Western Europe," she said.

Now the unique find is being prepared for auction, where it may expect a much higher price than originally expected.

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