A special family: a man built a small village for 16 wives and 104 children (2 photos + 1 video)
Each of the wives has a separate house. The family is engaged in agriculture, growing corn, beans, cassava and bananas, which allows them to provide for themselves with everything they need.
In a small settlement in Njombe, Tanzania, lives a man with a unique family - 83-year-old Mzee Ernesto Muinuchi Kapinga. He is married to 16 women, has 104 children and 144 grandchildren, creating an entire community around himself.
Ernesto's family lives in harmony, following the established order. Each of the wives has a separate house, and the whole family is engaged in agriculture, growing corn, beans, cassava and bananas, which allows them to provide for themselves.
According to Kapinga, the idea of creating a large family came to him at the insistence of his father. In 1961, he married for the first time, but his father convinced him that one marriage was not enough. As a result, at the peak of his polygamous life, Ernesto was the husband of 20 women. Over time, some of the wives left, others died, but 16 of them continue to live with him.
"Here, everyone has their own role, there is no competition. We work together, eat together, raise children together," Kapinga said.
The man admitted that he sometimes confuses the names of his numerous children and grandchildren, but always recognizes them by their faces.
Despite the loss of 40 children due to illnesses and accidents, he continues to take care of his huge family. His wives claim that peace reigns in the family, and all issues that arise are resolved through open discussions and wise advice from the head of the family.