A black "Captain America" ​​saved real people from death (2 photos + 1 video)

Category: Movie, PEGI 0+
Yesterday, 18:02

It's a shame when a favorite movie character suddenly changes his hair color, and it's even worse when he changes his skin color, and sometimes even his gender.

After the next Captain America movie hit the big screens on February 14, fans were doomed to flock to the cinemas to watch the blackened main character played by Anthony Mackie. After the premiere, the film continued to be shown in cinemas, hoping to squeeze everything out of the caring viewers.

But who would have thought that a regular show at the Liberty Cinema in downtown Wenatchee, Washington went not even 3D, but full immersion with all the special effects.

During the screening of "Captain America: New World" the ceiling collapsed, but since only 2 people came to the screening, there were no casualties.

That's right, the black "Captain America" ​​really saved people from death, can you imagine what would have happened if the hall was full?

Sun Basin Theatres, which owns the theater in downtown Wenatchee, said the collapse was "unexpected." It would be strange if it was expected. Like a bonus.

Just for reference, the production budget for this film was $180 million, and the advertising budget was $100 million. Box office receipts in the US itself to date have amounted to around $145 million, and $148 million worldwide.

The film received the lowest CinemaScore rating of all Marvel films. On IMDb, it has 6.1 out of 10.

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