A bank almost made its client a trillionaire by mistake (2 photos)

Yesterday, 18:03

Everything is great in this story, from the well-coordinated teamwork of Citybank employees to the amount.

The guy transferred as much as $280 between his accounts. The teller apparently hit his head on the keyboard and credited his account with... $81 trillion. Moreover, the transfer was approved by two more employees, and only the third one realized after an hour and a half that something was wrong.

To understand the scale, $81 trillion is two and a half times more than the entire US national debt. Naturally, the transaction was hastily cancelled, although they could have taken their time, the bank doesn't have that kind of money anyway. And it never has. And with employees like that, it never will.

The amount would be more than enough to buy the entire US stock market, including all the major tech companies, at a competitive price. And with the change, you could buy all of Elon Musk's assets, which are valued at only $343 billion.

By the way, this is not the first such mistake by this bank. In 2020, $900 million was accidentally sent to creditors of cosmetics company Revlon. It took the bank two years of legal battles to get most of the money back from several hedge funds, and the money-gathering saga contributed to the departure of Citigroup CEO Michael Corbat.

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