3 mysteries of modern China (10 photos)

Yesterday, 18:03

If you dig into the ancient history of China, you can find an incredible number of strange and mysterious rules and rituals.

But modern life in a giant state requires different rules, taking into account constantly changing realities. Here are some of them.

1. Last Mile Auntie

A new type of service has appeared in Shenzhen, China - replacement delivery. This is a "last mile" delivery service, often carried out by real aunties.

In fact, a replacement courier is needed to take an order from the main courier in a shopping center or office center and deliver it to the customer's floor. This is a very popular service in luxury offices. The employee does not need to go downstairs, and the courier does not need a pass or go through a search if the building has increased security measures.

These women write down the details on packages and deliver several orders at once. For each such order, they receive about 2 yuan. Such delivery workers are in demand in the business districts of Shenzhen. Most of them work part-time. In a large office center, they can deliver about 30 lunches during the lunch break, which will give them 1000-2000 yuan per month.

Such demand for the service arose due to the high population density, but completely unexpectedly. During the lunch break, it is impossible to wait long to go up and down - you can wait for your turn at the elevator for 15 minutes, and then the elevator will stop at each floor! In such conditions, it is easier to pay 2 yuan, because time is very precious.

In China, there are office floors in 70-story skyscrapers! And such aunties quickly study the layout of the building and deliver 20 orders in half an hour, reducing the load on the elevator.

At the same time, several delivery aunties can work in one large center in order to have time to deliver everything during the lunch break. Therefore, they exchange orders with each other so as not to run around all the floors.

There are rumors that the most active last mile aunties earn 10 thousand yuan a month. This is more from the realm of fantasy, but in any case, for a young pensioner or mother on maternity leave, such work is an excellent opportunity not to sit idle and bring, albeit small, money to the family.

2. Hotel Room Tent

A Chinese woman is so afraid of hidden cameras in hotels that she builds a homemade tent to hide her bed.

Concerns about hidden cameras in hotel rooms are growing. And a young Chinese woman concerned about hidden cameras has come up with a unique solution to ensure her privacy in a hotel room. Using a rope and a large piece of fabric, the girl creates a tent-like structure above her bed, protecting herself from possible surveillance.

Her creative approach to ensuring privacy and security in rooms has sparked discussions about security issues in the Chinese hotel industry. A woman from Luoyang in the central province of Henan shared a video on social media showing how she built a homemade tent to shield her hotel bed from possible surveillance:

I have read many stories about hotel guests being monitored by hidden spy cameras. It seems almost impossible to completely protect yourself from prying eyes, and this worries me a lot.

Wanting to maintain privacy while traveling, she initially considered buying a tent to put above her bed. However, after realizing that tents can be more expensive than staying in a hotel and can restrict your movement while sleeping, she abandoned the idea.

Instead, the girl decided to use everyday objects. Using a large sheet that is usually used to cover furniture and a long rope, she made a simple but effective privacy tent. This inexpensive method is a simple solution to personal security.

Concerns about hidden cameras in hotel rooms are growing. In 2023, a Chinese couple vacationing in Malaysia discovered a hidden spy camera in an electrical outlet located directly across from their bed.

In response to such incidents, southern China became the first region in the country to introduce rules in February requiring hotels to ensure that guests' rooms are free of surveillance devices.

Of course, it is not yet clear how to protect yourself in the bathroom and toilet, but the woman's innovative solution has found a response from many users on the Internet.

3. A product of the predator's life activity

Come on, buy it while you can! And we are not talking about a valuable rare drug, but about tiger urine, which a Chinese zoo, promoting "civilized" tourism, is actively selling to visitors.

He recommends mixing the urine, which is collected in basins, with white wine to treat rheumatism.

Recently, a visitor shared on social media that the Ya'an Bifengxia Wildlife Zoo in southwest China's Sichuan Province is selling "medicinal tiger urine" from Siberian tigers for 50 yuan per 250ml bottle.

The packaging claims that the urine has "good therapeutic effects" on conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, sprains and muscle pain. It is recommended to mix the urine with white wine and apply it to the sore spot along with slices of ginger.

The zoo also suggests taking it orally, but warns to stop using it if an allergic reaction occurs.

One of the zoo employees told The Paper that the urine is collected from the pool after the tiger urinates. It is not known whether it is disinfected before sale.

In traditional Chinese culture, tigers symbolize courage and strength. According to reviews from those who tried the potion, it did not have any effect. But the trade continues, and quite well, perhaps considering that tigers are an endangered species in China, and anyone caught hunting them faces up to 10 years in prison and hefty fines.

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