20 dogs who unexpectedly found themselves in an awkward situation (21 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
Yesterday, 18:03

Even the most agile, flexible, fast and brave of us are not immune to ridiculous situations.

If people can often get into trouble, then what can we say about our smaller brothers. They often act up, but the funniest thing in dog behavior is the moment of surprise. Which you should definitely have time to capture. In general, dogs are an inexhaustible source of joy and laughter, and our four-legged friends will always find a way to make an ordinary boring day much more fun.

1. Why waste time if we should go for a walk?

2. Your work is done for today, baby

3. Now a seal will crawl up, now deer

4. The consequences of rolling in freshly cut grass

5. I still have more!

6. What should I do, what should I do?

7. My neighbor is an idiot

8. And on the board such a combination...

9. This amazing view behind window

10. I'm not here, I don't know who gnawed the slippers

11. Ghosts of our house

12. I sit high, far I look

13. A friend with a quirk

14. Everyone should play, even a robot vacuum cleaner

15. The Corner solitude

16. I'll plant at home

17. I'm an artist, that's how I see it

18. No time explain

19. Catch a rainbow, taste a rainbow

20. Beauty is in the eyes of the snorer

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