19 items that have attracted attention due to their specific design (20 photos)

Category: Creatively, PEGI 0+
Yesterday, 18:03

Love and craving for the unusual sometimes makes people reinvent the wheel and transform the appearance of the most ordinary and unchanging things. Sometimes a change in design is intended to make an object more convenient and practical, but most often it happens just like that - to make it beautiful and different!

1. The signs at the PlayStation London headquarters have been changed to coincide with the release of the Sony PlayStation 5

2. An unusual flat fire extinguisher

3. Tablets that can be divided into 2 or 3 parts

4. Sidewalk tiles on many streets in the state Texas

The tiles are made in the shape of the state on the map.

5. Goldfish Tea Bag

6. Dumbbell Water Bottle

7. Oddly Shaped Dagger Designed to Break Swords by Clinging to the Blade teeth

8. Cubic Watermelons from Japan

The berries were specially grown in boxes for a simple purpose - it makes it easier to store and transport them.

9. Knife with an unusually shaped blade

This one is used in a Swiss restaurant. The blade is sharpened in the shape of different mountain peaks of the country.

10. Temple-shaped balloon

11. Glass jar in the shape of an open bag with a hermetic clasp

12. Sugar cube in the shape of teapot

13. The mouse pad is actually a mouse pad

14. The gas station sells donuts in the shape of "&"

15. Cassette Wall Tiles

16. Puzzle company Appleone leaves an apple Easter egg in every puzzle

17. A hammer-shaped pencil for law students in the state Minnesota

18. This puzzle forms the letter G, and the pieces are made in the shape of dinosaurs

19. The timer on the traffic light is made in the shape of an hourglass

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