Ukrainian soldier reports after an attack by occupiers

1 March 2025
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Soldiers of the 3rd separate assault brigade repelled an attack by occupiers on a position in the Kharkiv region. As reported by Censor.NET, a video recording with fragments of the battle was published on the unit's page on social networks. The recording was made by a camera mounted on the ammunition of one of the Ukrainian soldiers.

"Explosions, the hum of birds and bursts of machine guns in the air - this is the war in live mode from the Third assault. Under f#cking fire from both sides, the soldiers hold a circular defense. Enemy drones hover over the dugout, and metal and earth rain down on their heads. How, despite their wounds, they hold back the occupiers - in the video of Molot's friend from the 2nd company of the 2nd assault battalion!" - the commentary to the video says.

Attention! Profanity!

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