Authorities of a Philippine city announced a cash reward for catching mosquitoes (3 photos)
The authorities have decided to take this step because recently in the Philippines there has been an increase in cases of dengue fever, which is spread by mosquitoes.
For every five insects caught, whether alive or dead, they promise to pay one peso (less than two American cents). Live mosquitoes and their larvae will be destroyed using ultraviolet radiation.
The authorities have decided to take this step because recently in the Philippines there has been an increase in cases of dengue fever, which is spread by mosquitoes. Two students have died from the disease.
Carlito Cernal, a village chief in Barangay Addition Hills in central Manila, told the BBC that more than 20 people have already received the reward. In total, residents have brought in 700 insects.
The initiative by local authorities has drawn ridicule online. However, the Philippines' Department of Health (DOH) said it "appreciates the good intentions of local government leaders to combat dengue."
The program is intended to complement existing measures such as street cleaning and preventing water from pooling, where dengue-carrying mosquitoes lay their eggs.