Workers at a Transport Company Opened a Container and Stumbled Upon a Live Find (3 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
21 February 2025

The creature they saw in the sealed container had been traveling in total darkness for four weeks without food or water, and had managed to survive.

In one of the cities of Curacao, an island in the Caribbean Sea located off the northern coast of Venezuela, workers of the transport company AMC Cargo opened the received cargo, which was heading to them from the Netherlands. The ship on board of which the containers were located had been on the way for about four weeks, and the cargo itself was sealed and had not been opened throughout the entire journey. When workers opened one of these containers, a furry surprise was waiting for them.

When they opened the sealed container, AMC Cargo was surprised: there was a cat inside. The animal got inside in North Brabant on January 11th - that's the day the container was sealed there and loaded onto a ship that was heading to Curacao.

The trip lasted about four weeks, during which time the container was closed. Therefore, the animal was without water, food and even daylight: it miraculously managed to survive.

The white cat with black spots sat scared in the container and did not want to let anyone near it. When the staff began to catch him to hand him over to the appropriate foundation for rescue and medical examination, he initially ran away. Eventually, they managed to catch the furry animal by luring him into a cage with food.

Representatives of the Kitten Rescue Curaçao Foundation arrived in response to the staff's call, examined the animal and took him away. They later reported on the cat's condition. Surprisingly, the foundation's representatives said that the animal was feeling quite well.

"The cat is exhausted and very scared, but otherwise he is feeling well under the circumstances," the foundation said.

It is unknown who owns the animal. It is currently in the foundation, where they are taking care of it and doing everything possible to help the cat regain its strength.

1 comment
25 February 2025
Мужик в американской сауне обжег попу, его спрашивают "Спик Инглиш?", а он "Не, испек сраку"
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