A remote village where all 6,000 residents, for some strange reason, live on the same street (2 photos + 1 video)

18 February 2025

In addition to its unique architecture, the village is known for its picturesque nature. Houses and businesses are located along the only road, beyond which there are colorful fields.

A unique village of Sułoszowa is hidden in Poland, which has attracted the attention of the whole world due to its unusual layout. This settlement, located along a single street nine kilometers long, has become a real architectural phenomenon.

The houses and businesses of Sułoszowa are built on both sides of the only road, and behind them there are picturesque fields, creating the effect of a picturesque natural pattern from above. As the representative of the local council Katarzyna Bieda notes, these landscapes, filmed with drones, resemble leaves, which brought the village fame far beyond the borders of Poland.

The historical roots of the linear structure of the settlement go back into the past. As Bieda explained, life along one street was convenient for people, primarily due to transport accessibility.

Suloszów has a population of about 6,000 people, of whom 5,672 are officially registered. Despite its compact size, the village attracts many tourists every year, especially in spring and summer. Among the main attractions of the region are the medieval castle of Peskova Skaa and the famous rock monolith Maczuga Herkulesa (Hercules' Club), 30 meters high.

In addition to its unique architecture, Suloshova is famous for its natural beauty: impressive cliffs, ravines and more than 400 caves. All this makes the village a magnet for travelers.

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