Interesting and rare photos of Europe (21 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 0+
18 February 2025

These photographs not only tell us about the past, but also help us understand how people lived throughout the 20th century in different countries.

Danish model Winnie Holman. Cannes, 1975.

Notre Dame on a snowy night. Paris, 1953.

Notre Dame de Paris is one of the most famous Gothic cathedrals in the world, located on the Ile de la Cite in the center of the French capital. This architectural masterpiece of the 12th-14th centuries is not only a spiritual and cultural symbol of Paris, but also an important monument of world history and art.

Photographer: Albert Monnier

From the Summer People series. Czechoslovakia, 1968 – 1990.

The Czechoslovakian photographer did not take staged photographs, but as they are. Therefore, the photos turned out to be lively and quite funny. On the Internet, this photo is constantly attributed to the Soviet Union.

Photographer: František Dostal

Model Eva Waldschmidt poses as a milkmaid. Netherlands, 1933.

Blonde Eva Waldschmidt was the favorite model of Dutch photographer Willem Van de Poll. He was one of the first Dutch photographers to make models pose outside the studio. Van de Poll's use of photo models in advertising was also new. Blonde Eva Waldschmidt was Willem van de Poll's favorite model for her natural looks.

Photographer: Willem van de Poll

A kid. Czechoslovakia, 1970s.

Photographer: František Dostal

A village in Czechoslovakia, 1930s.

People relax on the banks of the Seine during a hot summer in Paris, 1950.

The 1960s were a difficult period for the ecology of the river. Due to industrialization and the rapid growth of the population of Paris, the Seine was seriously polluted. Industrial waste, sewage and garbage flowed into the river. Therefore, people prefer to simply sunbathe.

A young couple listens to a gramophone on a pier. Germany, 1935.

The gentleman is wearing a tie and shoes, and the lady is barefoot...

A wandering shepherd with a donkey and a flock of sheep, circa 1965.

Carmen, Paris, 1957.

Photographer: Richard Avedon

Little Parisian, 1952.

A baguette is one of the symbols of French culture and cuisine, a crispy long loaf with a soft core that has gained popularity all over the world.

The baguette shape as a long, thin loaf was not chosen by chance. This format allowed to save space in the ovens, and also made the bread convenient to carry and cut. It is believed that it was in the 19th century that the baguette became more common in Paris.

Photographer: Willy Ronis

Drying laundry on the street. Italy, 1930.

Drying laundry on the streets of Italy is not just a household necessity, but a whole cultural tradition that reflects the special way of life of Italians. This custom, preserved for many decades, has become a symbol of home comfort, neighborly relations and a natural connection with the outside world.

Lucette Desmoulins. France, 1920s. French actress, she starred in 18 films between 1931 and 1937. She also appeared in Paris in 5 productions of the Musical Theatre between 1927 and 1933. But before that, she had done a number of racy and nude photo shoots with the famous photographers Jacques and Charles Biderrer from Paris.

Picnic on the Baltic Sea. Germany, 1930.

A large family traveling in a Citroen 2 CV. France, 1950.

Photographer: Herbert List

Joseph Archer, a French engineer, and his "air locomotive" powered by an electric or gas engine. France, 1933.

An unusual chicken coop in the Hungarian countryside, 1978.

On a donkey.

Jackie Garay, daughter of Alexandre Garay, founder of the Keystone news agency, enjoys a donkey ride on the beach in August 1932 in Deauville, France.

Mr. and Mrs. Fröding. Kummelnäs, Uppland, Sweden, 1932. Gardener Fredrik Fröding, born in 1854, and his wife.

Photographer: Einar Erikki

Spain, Madrid, 1960s.

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