Once in a Lifetime: Man Finds Ancient Treasure in Field (3 photos)

Category: Archeology, PEGI 0+
18 February 2025

David Dunn started looking for interesting things with a metal detector about two years ago. The man wanted to spend more time outdoors after long working days.

British plumber David Dunn from the town of Sapcota (Leicestershire, UK) dug up 50 coins dating back to the Ancient Roman period while walking in a pasture near his home. This happened back in 2023, but the find was only now reported in a press release from the auction house Noonans Mayfair.

David Dunn started looking for interesting things with the Deus 2 metal detector about two years ago. The man wanted to spend more time outdoors after long days at work.

"One day, something told me to go to a pasture where I had been many times before. After a few hours of searching, I heard a faint signal. Then in one hole I found two Roman coins," the treasure hunter says.

The man alerted the farmer who owned the land and began digging further. After digging about two feet, he saw coins pouring out - 50 in all.

The oldest coins found were minted during the reign of Carausius, the Roman emperor of Britain from 286 to 293. Others were minted during the reigns of Allectus, Diocletian and Maximian, meaning they date back to at least the fourth century AD.

A once-in-a-lifetime find

"Many of the coins were in very good condition with perfect portraits - a once-in-a-lifetime find!" - the lucky man commented on his unique find.

The coins, which will go under the hammer on February 18, are expected to fetch more than $1,800 for the Briton. However, he claims that money is not the most important thing.

"I don't know what to spend it on. I don't care about the money, I just like to research history. I heard the farmer had a tough few years after the pandemic, so I'd like to give him most of it if it helps," David added.

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