Meanwhile in Japan: 35 Asian Curiosities (35 photos + 1 video)

18 February 2025

Japan, while not the largest country, is certainly one of the most influential. This island nation has many unique features: popular cuisine, rich culture, stunning nature, and stunning architecture. If you watch anime, enjoy karaoke, love sushi, or drive a Toyota, then Japanese culture has influenced you. If you haven't visited the Land of the Rising Sun yet, you should take a look at these photos

1. Nagano

2. Sometimes Japan Seems not real

3. The Japanese transportation company I cancelled on because it exceeded my student budget sent me 1kg of rice as an apology for not being able to provide service in my price range

4. Cats sleeping under the Hachiko statue at the station Shibuya

5. Manhole cover in Osaka

6. Meals in the maternity hospital

7. The Dawn cafe employs robot avatars that remotely controlled by people with severe disabilities

8. Miyama, Kyoto Prefecture

9. Owl Cafe in Tokyo

10. The cutest train in Japan? This is Tamaden from Wakayama! If you go to the final station, you can meet the cat-station master Kishi

11. Meanwhile in Japan

12. Mannequins in Japan

13. Nachi Falls, Wakayama Prefecture

14. A box with a handle in the middle so the pizza doesn't deformed

15. Narita Airport Quiet Room for People with Autism

16. The vans open upward, so they are easy to unload with a forklift loader

17. Rainbow Cheesecake from A-Works in Tokyo

18. Flower Fields

19. In Fukui Prefecture dinosaur benches

20. Godzilla at the dam in Saga prefecture

21. A man walks a turtle in Tsukushima

22. Beer Pikachu in Tokyo

23. Came to Tokyo with a film camera

24. The most beautiful hotel I've ever been to. Ashinomaki in Aizuwakamatsu, Fukushima Prefecture

25. Parking Barrier or Art Installation?

26. A hungry deer stole my map on Miyajima

27. An elevator with a toilet

28. Tokyo has tall escalators under the open sky sky

29. Tokyo Tower at Night

30. Cafe Built Around a Sacred Tree in Osaka

31. In train

32. Tiny car in Osaka

33. Mythical komainu

34. A stall at a Tokyo shopping mall has a high chair you can sit your baby in while you use the toilet

35. A man in an air-conditioned jacket in 96-degree heat in Tokyo

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